School or Prison. Aren't those the same?

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Chapter 3: School or Prison. Aren't those the same?


"Although you haven't hurt any pro heroes, the information you pocess about each of the pro heroes you aquired is dangerous" Aizawa shota, the black haired man said.

(Y/n) looked at the pro hero from across the interrogation room. It was reasonable why they should be careful, aside from knowing their weakness this information could get out of hand.

Maybe I shouldn't have told them my power afterall.

She got a bit carried away with some information they asked. They truly listened to her, unlike her parents.

"And it would be bad if that information were to fall on the hands of villains." he leaned on the door, eyes not leaving the girls figure.

(Y/n) pondered a bit, leaning her weight on the table she was chained to. "but the longer i stay with you, pro heroes, the more I'll know"

"we have analysed all cases, and we'll give you two choices" he raised two fingers " either you go to prison, for being a pontencial threat to society and threating a pro hero or" He put a finger down " you'll be able to live a normal life, with heroes on constant watch over you"

Do I even have a choice?

"Fine. I choose Life" Eraserhead came closer to the table, giving some files to the girl.

"These are the terms and conditions." The girl exhaled sharply taking the files and looking at them.

I'd probably die before finish reading this.

"So, uhm, I can speak Japanese, but I can't really read it" He furrowed his brows, rubbing his temple, he closed his eyes, to have a god damn break from this crap.

"I mean, I only touched your friend for a second! I can only understand and read acient greek and Latim, and thats it!" the girl looked at him in a pleading mode.

"So you can learn a language by touching someone?"

"I can download a translator, you know like those internet ones? I'm actually speaking my mother language right now and It's translating." She smiled " So can I like touch you for a sec?" she extended her arm.

He avoided her touch, grabbing the file instead. "I'll just read it for you" he knew very well if she touched him, she would know his weakness.

it was a simple Terms and condition.

Don't kill anyone.

Don't stab anyone.

Don't do drugs

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