Infinity can't be determined? Then as long as you're alive.

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    Jumping the last set of stairs, her blue eyes immediately landed on an ash blond boy at the end of the hallway. (Y/n) yelled Bakugou's name but he ignored her, somehow the hate for the girl just seemed to grow.

    First, losing her to a match, and then acting all high and mighty because she won? No, He did not need her help, no he didn't need it. He just wanted to beat her until she laid hopelessly on the floor, without anyone to help her. Yeah, that's what he wanted.

     Catching up to the boy, Bakugou harshly shoved off her hand that was placed on his shoulder. "What do you want?" He didn't yell, but his tone send shivers into the girl's spine in memorance of someone she once loved.

    "Hey, what's with the tone" She laughed it off, trying to forget the feeling "You are the one that wanted help..." He took notice of her furrowed brows and her side glance, it bothered him that she wasn't comfortable around him.

      "Nothing" He tsked, walking out of the school.

      "Wait, wait, waitwaitwait, WAIT," She ran after him, grabbing his sleeve, but he broke off contact "god damn it,"  Charged off at him, startling him as she grabbed his collar, slightly lifting him up "Stop acting like a child" 

      He looked at the side, placing his hand on top of her hands, he tsked doing nothing to not harm the girl. "Just tell me what you wan-"

      "I just wanted to train with you" (Y/n) released a sigh along with Bakugou as she placed her hands on her hips.

      "Why didn't you just say s-"

      "BECAUS-because you-" He sighed

      "Because I?"

      Because you couldn't take your eyes of Todoroki.

      "Because I didn't want to-" He stopped 

       "You didn't want to?"

        Didn't want to admit you like Todoroki

        "Didn't want to...say it in front of everyone" This time (Y/n) sighed.

       "You shouldn't be afraid of asking for help in front of people" She looked to the side "I'm pretty sure there are people better then me over there to help you"

        "But I..."

        "Midoriya, Iida... I'm not sure about Denki though " She laughed cruely at her own joke .

      "I want to train..."

      ...with you.

        "Oh, There's also Todoro-"

        "Stop talking about him" He gritted his teeth, "all you talk about has to do with him" He gripped his hand tightly "Are you in lo-"

Falling Again || bnhaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin