But I don't want your love.

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      Y'all are getting pretty mad at the woman she just wants to save her son 🤷

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      Y'all are getting pretty mad at the woman she just wants to save her son 🤷

     And NO! I didn't forget to post this. What do you think I am? Irresponsible? Ha! 😔🧢

       "And here I thought all gods were good—"

       "Like you're one to talk," The young god looked up, where was the respect? "You humans act all high and mighty, why do i have to save her son?"


        "Because I'm a god? Is that why you guys can't help?"

        "Why don't you guys donate money to her for the treatment?" And with that everyone remained quite, including the woman who stopped crying "You only want to make others help, when you could help" The girl breathed, calming her beating heart "Who told you I had some kind of healing power? or that I was the one who gave her son the disease?"

        "Her son's chronic disease is obviously from genetics, and if you don't know it yet, I can't control genetics" People began to look away "Why do I have to help her? Can't you help her? You people keep judging when clearly you're the worst one"

        "I don't want to help? I CAN'T help. Besides why would you rely on a fallen god for help? I clearly did something to be banished from there," Getting no response from the public, the girl opened her backpack, grabbing her wallet she grabbed a 1000 yen bill and gave it to the woman.

        "That's all I have, I'm sorry." She looked down at the woman one more time before she left the scenery, not looking back as the hero arkwardly trailed behind her. Although the girl did not know, after she left many of the people on the crowd payed the woman, who was beyond happy. 

         She finally could pay for the treatment, and she hoped some day, she could find the girl and thank her speech.


      She stopped walking, letting the hero catch up. She stepped to the side "lead the way", the hero laughed, adjusting his sunglasses.

      "You don't have a good sense of direction, we've been walking in circles for a while now" the hero began walking forward, somehow his way of walking was quite familiar.

   "You haven't changed a bit since we met. The way your brows furrow when you're angry, the way you speak, and your personality is still the prettiest gem"

       "Do I know you?" The man smiled as he took off his hat to reveal the lightest teal hair, dyed? maybe not. But who cares? It looked amazing on him.

       "Not anymore." He took of his sunglasses to reveal a teal iris with golden drops, clearly he was an angel. No literally. The golden drops on both eyes were a dead give away. 

Falling Again || bnhaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora