Would you hold my hand, if the world was up to flames?

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If anyone's wondering, the song is called "Grand Escape" its from the anime "Tenki no ko", AKA "Weathering with you", It was made by the same studio as "Kimi no na wa"(Your name)

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If anyone's wondering, the song is called "Grand Escape" its from the anime "Tenki no ko", AKA "Weathering with you", It was made by the same studio as "Kimi no na wa"(Your name).




WAHHHHHHH 1K!!!! HOLY- wow...Thank you sooo much!(honestly thought this story was going to fail) I wish I could spam you guys with heartsss, thank youu for the support!!


Chapter 20: Would you hold my hand, if the world was up to flames?


Though the fact of being a god wasn't as much interesting than the hospital food for the girl, the boys could definetly had said otherwise. They asked various questions which (Y/n) responded to them all honestly. It would've been a perfect day if Enji Todoroki hadn't come to visit them.

More specially (Y/n).

He barged in the door, without a knock startling everyone in the room, making (Y/n) grumble since the sudden action made her drop some food under the bed. Without sparing a glance at the other people in the room, the man locked eyes with the girl.

She lazzly looked at the man, as he got more furious by the disrespect he got from the girl. He was authority...but what is authority to a god? An ant with a crown?

"You. Come with me" He pointed at the girl, turning around to walk out the door, when a certain dual haired boy stopped him.

"What do you want with her?" He stood up against his dad, but before the old man could say anything the girl stood up, raising a hand to the boy.

"Don't worry, Peppermint boy. I got this" She flashed him a smile before following the man outside.

Please tell me that the world won't go up to flames if I irritate this man.

The walked into complete silence on the empty hall, Endeavor stopped in front of the janitor's room, glancing at each corner of the room for cameras.

He then looked at the hall, the girl raised a brow at the weird action, there were no nurses or cameras in this part of the hall...should she be worried?

He grabbed the girl's hand, quickly throwing the girl inside the room, closing it with the both of them inside.

Her grabbed the girl's shirt, slamming her back on the self, with his back against the door. He held the girl up on the air as a few products fell of the self.

The scars on her back began to hurt as she glared at the man. The fire around him began to burn bright in attempt to scared the female, but it was unefective seen that she was still glaring at him, clawing his arm.

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