Sunrise, Moonrise, Sunset, Moonset.

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This story is of the three Saunds sisters this is a tale in which I will explain the truth of what happened to the Saunds Sisters, The first is Malissa. She was the eldest sister, she was calm and resilient, her eyes were blue like the noon sky and her hair was golden as the king's coffers. She  never gave up on anything or anyone she had a firm will but she hated to fight Physically she preferred verbal duels, but fought and trained with a dagger and sword. Next was Phayze, she was the middle sister, she was Petite and exactly what you would expect of a princess on the outside, her eyes were gray like steel and her hair was a beautiful chocolate brown. She was also calm, but once you got her mad you were in trouble. She was the perfect princess on the outside, but not the inside, she had been trained with the quarterstaff and was perhaps one of the greatest quarterstaff fighters in all the world. Lastly we have Piper, Piper was the youngest but you never would have guessed it she was strong and well built with greener eyes then spring grass and blacker hair than a moonless, starless night's sky, she enjoyed fighting in melee  tournaments. Her weapon of choice was the war axe, and she wielded it admirably; she also was an outstanding fighter and a real opponent in any fight regardless of her gender. The three sisters had a single brother, Manduous, This story is not of or about Manduous but I see fit to explain him as well as the sisters, for he plays an important role in this story, though not perhaps as grand as the Saunds sisters. Manduous was a grand fighter trained in all disciplines that their kingdom had to offer. His best weapons however were the sword, the longbow, and the quarterstaff. He was also well built, though only slightly taller than Piper. Though he and Malissa were closest in age, for he was the eldest child, he much preferred the company of Phayze whom he taught to use the quarterstaff from a young age.

This story does not start on the tournament grounds, or in the grand hall, it does not start in the grand spiers of the Ethierea castle where the Saunds sisters live, it does not even start in the barracks of this kingdom, or another's. This story instead starts in a cottage beyond the forest and oceans away, in fact this cottage lies below this kingdom and oceans away. It lies in Andorana, the world between earth and Ria. This cottage is called home to only one person but to many other animals too. The person who calls this cottage home is called Agent Stairs. Agent Stairs is A Faeborn which means that he and all his descendants will be blessed with Majestic Ways, or what you and I would call magic. But this story begins here not because he is Faeborn not because of his Cottage, and not even because he knows how to speak in all six languages, though all of these things will be relevant in the future. This story starts here for two reasons the first is because his daughter is Adella Stairs, Now more commonly known as Queen Adella married King Garrinc and has three daughters and one son. The very people I described earlier to you. The second is because of the very thing he is doing at this moment which is quite dangerous, Agent Stair had previously gotten word of the locations of three of the six lost gems. Immediately he had gone in search of them. Unfortunately he had succeeded. Now there is one more reason that I neglected to mention. As I said earlier Agent stair and all of his descendants should have the Majestic Way, and Agent does have a talent. Agent Stair has the power to read futures of beings and things. This is uncommon even in a world of magic and Majestic Ways. For Agent can not only read events but he can read comings. On Quicker you might call him prophetic with the power to divine the future. But this is only relevant to this story for one reason. Agent one night felt the sudden urge to go outside and gaze at the stars, and the moon's descent. Awaking from his deep slumber he went out and gazed upon the nights beauty. The stars twinkled and shone and the moon Gazed down with a foreboding expression. Later, Agent went back inside with a new knowledge and a heavy heart. Agent slept the rest of the night, and woke to the sun on his face. Agent felt an overwhelming urge to go outside and face the waking dawn. Rising from his bed he strolled through the door and joined the sun in its waking, when the full knowledge of the sun hit him he staggered and slowly walked back inside his heart heavier then he could ever remember it being. Dawn came and went and so did noon Agent set upon the task the moon and sun had set him and had almost completed the things when he felt the urge to walk outside and listen to the sun set. Agent Hesitantly walked through his door and looked up and the setting sky spoke to Agent in the words that only Agent knew. Agent walked back inside his house with a heart like a lead weight and a mind that could presently outrun the fastest Imp in all of Andorana with a heavy heart and heavy hands Agent began working once more. This time there was much more time between the urges to go out but again he felt it, just as the moon rose into the sky to set against the stars. Agent reluctantly placed down his work and walked to the door, he hesitated again at the door, but after minutes of carful deliberation he walked outside to hear the early moon. He went back inside and complying to the rising moon he began. Agent worked through the whole night and a good portion into the next day. And after his tasks were done he put all three in a small box and set a note on top. Sadly he called for a Gloly whom is a Fae Who has been to the kingdom of Ethierea. Agent handed her the package and asked her to take it to the Ethierea castle. The Fae, aware of his melancholy, agreed to take the package. However wary she might be of this mysterious package, she took it because Agent was kind and helpful and was, in fact, kin to Gloly. Agent's grandsire had married Gloly's Grandmother, making her part Majestic. So she only offered minimal resistance before retrieving the box. Gloly took flight Agent did not know it, but he would never see Gloly again.  

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