Knighted by the Rising Dawn

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Piper was the second to leave. She took the crown, but did not place it on her head. She disappeared once she entered Titan Island for quite some time. But Phayze had an interesting stay on the Fae Islands. When she arrived, she asked for a tutor in Fae magic. The Fae Queen Offered to tutor her, herself; And so they began. If you have never seen Fae magic it is the rearranging of matter, or the movement of matter. Phayze was taught the Fae Speech, the Fae Magic. Since she was descended from Fae the only thing her magic needed was prompting and practice. The fae queen soon after fell to Larzenic, a sickness that can only affect fae. After 10 centuries of ruling she succumbed to Larzenic and died. Just before she died she appointed Phayze her heir, in her ascendment to the throne she became a fae. Many believe that it was because of her using the Fae speech and living with so many fae that turned her, But the rest have an alternate theory. Names have power and so do positions. To Ascend to such a powerful throne you would have to be able to fill the role, when Phayze sat on the throne, she became a Fae because she did not fit in the role of Fae Queen. Years later she was in a battle with the Daemons. Phayze still did not wear the crown, Malice cornered her and proceeded to try to kill her. Phayze stood her own, but even the Fae Queen can not fight a Crowned. Then Malice struck the killing blow. Right before it connected, a Fae called Timeon blocked her sword. It did not give Phayze much time because Malice had the superior weapon, skill, and position. But he got her just enough time to escape and fight back. Together the two of them forced Malice to retreat, and the Deamon army suffered the worst defeat since "The Flooded Bay Attack." Phayze and Timeon fell in love and got married. It was not for some years that Piper comes back into the world. When she did she came back for her sister's wedding, this event was the sort of one that the entire continent talked about for years after the event, so of course, Malice got word of it. There were many guests at the event and many accounts, but the most notable one was from Lady Minuets and her husband Lord Cortnant...

It was a wonderful event, Beautiful golden plates, tables, and chairs. Exquisite food, as one might expect from the Fae queen's palace. The whole thing was entirely wonderful, just up until a young child spilled his drink. It wasn't much, but everyone stopped and stared at him. The young boy blushed and looked down, a few of the older folk gave him a soft smile and a few half-hearted harsh words. The boy was a bit of a nobody, from nowhere, if you take my meaning. But he had a sort of charm about him that everyone liked. He was the friendly sort with not but kind words and compassionate thoughts. Well then the couple was announced. See fae marriages are a bit of a to-do. The couple is married where only Fae are allowed to be then they come out and they have a big celebration. The Feast, the Ball, and The Competition. Everyone is allowed to participate in the Celebration. Well the couple came out and we all toasted them, of the normal type; To good health, Good fortune, and that sort of thing. Well then we began the competition. The young lad Timeon entered the tournament. The tournament is traditionally held at dawn to symbolize the light of Fae rising from the dark. During the tournament all Magic must not be used and all magic items must be removed. Timeon removed all magic items on his person, carrying with him only a blunted sword, tournament lance, Round Buckler, and a token from Phayze in the form of a handkerchief. The token was the only thing allowed to be enchanted that he could bring with him. The token could only be enchanted with a magic protection charm, to rebound any magic used on them. So the young lad entered the tournament as Sir Timeon. He ended up against three knights that day Sir Ester, Lord Anders, and The Broad-Axe Knight. He unseated the first two without much ado. But while going against The Broad-Axe Knight, he had to work harder, move faster, and be stronger. All of which he did, without magic. The Broad-Axe Knight quickly realized that Sir Timeon was his superior. Astoundingly his Effort, Speed, and Strength increased. Sir Timeon matched him easily and then topped him becoming Faster, Stronger, and Smarter. Then The Broad-Axe Knight exploded. His armor flew everywhere. The crowd was still and silent. And The Broad-Axe Knight was revealed He was a Girl, and not just any girl. The Broad-Axe Knight was a Deamon and not just any Deamon she was The Deamon, Malice. Malice strode down the field and stopped just before Timeon's horse a smirk was on her face. Timeon dismounted his horse, the crowd went wild, The Mounted knight was superior to the dismounted one. Then Malice struck, strangely Timeon did not defend himself he dodged the Broad-Axe and rolled away from another Axe strike. It was not until then that I noticed that Phayze was gone. At first I thought she had run to help, then I saw her sprinting, for the castle. The coward was running away, instead of assisting her husband! I shook my head and turned back to the fight Timeon was now ducking Lightning, and Dark Energy, and whatever else Malice could think to conjure up. Then he tripped the whole crowd noticed the mistake, it was impossible to miss. Desperately he turned and held up his sword to block Malice's next blow. Malice laughed and said "Where is your wife, did she abandon you? Did she perhaps, run back to the castle? Like a coward?" Then with one more laugh, she sent a bolt of pure darkness. Strangely he didn't try to duck or dodge, in fact he moved his blade away from the blast. It hit him, square in the chest. Nothing happened. Timeon looked at Malice "What's wrong? Did your magic not work? Did you perhaps forget this? Did it interfere with your magic? He stuck his hand in his shirt pocket, just behind his armor and pulled out a handkerchief. Malice blasted it to bits, strangely Timeon just smiled. Malice, again sent a bolt flying at him, this time it did not make contact with him. Instead it hit a previously invisible dome that shattered, making it visible. Malice looked up and cursed. "Phayze! Have you no courage to face me directly!" Then Phayze stepped out from the crowd. she did not yell, she spoke in a calm voice it was strangely quiet, but her words carried all the way to the other side of the field "I, am not she. I, am not Phayze. I, am Phayth." she now wore the crown with her comb in it. The crown was gold with diamonds placed at intervals over the surface in the middle at the top there was a larger Diamond with the Fae Symbol on it (The chapter picture)Phayth then flew over to Malice. She landed right in front of her and said, "you, broke your oath. You said upon entering the tournament that you would remove all magical Items. Then Malice turned and walked away, right off the field and through the crowd and then, she flew away. Phayth then turned around and walked in the other direction. Toward the Palace. It was right then that Piper arrived. She was in the palace when Phayth walked in. She saw the crown on Phayth's head. I thought she was going to have a heart attack. Malice would not remove the crown, because it had utterly corrupted her to the core, but Phayth removed it as soon as she reached Piper. I was far away but I could see the effort that it took her to do it. Piper and Timeon had to explain what had happened. The wedding wasn't interrupted after that, other than the usual dramatized occasions that normally happen, all in all it was a grand affair.   

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