Chapter 14- I sleep for a full day

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I moved to stand in between Tony and Loki. 

"Tony, you need to take a breather," I said sternly. "Go outside,"

"You want us to take this outside, Ava?" he slurred, sticking out his arm. 

"What are you-"

Right. This man is Tony Stark. And a famous quote by Tony Stark:

"I am Iron Man."

I heard the banging sounds before the gloves blasted through the wall and attached themselves to Tony's hands.

"Tony, put the repulsers down!" I shouted over the chaos. 

"Lemme at him!" Tony yelled at me, firing his repulser into the air, blowing a hole in the roof.

"Tony, take off the repulsers before someone gets hurt!" I shouted. 

I glanced around wildly for the other Avengers, but they were nowhere to be found. 

I turned to the person closest to me and said, "Go downstairs and get me Steve Rogers. NOW,"

He didn't have to be told twice. He hurried to the elevator and quickly got inside, going downstairs.

"Tony..." I slowly started to pull off my gloves. "Don't make me do this,"

He stared at my ungloved hands and said, "You can't take those off,"

"I'll put them back on if you take off the repulsers," I told him.

"No," Tony said defiantly. 


I thought of wind, a strong, human-sweeping gust of wind with all of my might, then thrust my palm out at him. My hands pulsed silver as the doors to the roof swept open. With another movement, I tossed Tony out of them. 

I shoved my gloves into Loki's hands. "Stay here, or I'll kill you before he does."

He nodded and replied, "Are you sure you can-"

I rolled my eyes and started after Tony before he could finish his sentence, slamming and locking the door to the penthouse behind me.

"You shouldn't be using that, Ava!" Tony yelled at me.

"You shouldn't have your repulsers on! TAKE THEM OFF, TONY! NOBODY NEEDS TO GET HURT!"

"HE DOES!" Tony shouted, pointing at the penthouse with his repulser. I heard it charge up.

"NO!" I screamed and tackled him, his repulser firing into the sky, narrowly missing the roof of the penthouse. He tried to push me away, but I used some Jujutsu that Nat had taught me, throwing and pinning him to the ground. I knew I couldn't keep him on the ground for long, but it was long enough for most of the people in the penthouse to get out. Except for the bloggers and streamers, who were, by the looks of it, live-streaming this whole thing.

"Stop defending him!" Tony shouted at me.

"Stop risking everyone's life!" I shouted back.

"Lemme at him!"


I smacked him across the face, and he retaliated immediately, firing his repulser at my chest.

I screamed as I went flying, soaring off the edge of the roof. I fumbled for a grip on the side of the building. My body shrieked in pain, and my hands were becoming sweaty as I tried to keep myself from looking down. The city was so far down... miles down...

I heard Tony's repulsors charging up again. Glass broke. People screamed. I hung onto the side of Avengers Tower for dear life, praying that nobody was getting hurt as I racked my brain for a plan. Perhaps I could use another spell, but I couldn't think of one that would help. I could call for help, but who was there to help me? I could try to call someone, I had my phone in my pocket, but that would require me to hold on one-handedly. I thought and thought and thought, and when nothing came to me, I made the mistake of looking down.

Wilder: An Alternate Avengers Timeline(Loki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now