Chapter 2- Thor makes an awful mistake

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2012, Post "The Avengers (2012)"

Ava Wilder's POV

Let's get one thing straight- I absolutely HATE waking up to my door being knocked on. 


Because when my door is being knocked on at 2 am, it means that the others have to go on a mission.

Or Nick Fury wants to have a meeting in the dead of night.

Or Clint Barton wants me to help him raid the fridge.

That last one isn't too bad.

So naturally, when I woke up to my door being knocked on, I was about ready to smash something. 

I groaned and rolled out of bed, rubbing my eyes and slouching. The clock on my nightstand read 7:56 am. I'd slept in.

"Get up, lazy!"

From outside the door, I heard Tony's voice. I sighed and shuffled over to the door.

You better have a good reason for this, I thought to myself as I hit the button on my wall that opened the door.

Tony Stark looked like he'd been up since 4 am, which I wouldn't doubt if he was. He also looked quite a bit frustrated and annoyed.

"Hey, look who's up. We need all hands on deck, and by deck, I mean the kitchen table. Get there before 8 am or you're tardy," he said, still managing to keep up his signature sass. I couldn't help but smirk.

"Aye, captain. Oh, wait, you're Iron Man," I replied.

The edge of Tony's mouth twitched up. "Get dressed, sleepy," he ordered and left without another word. 

I closed my door and told JARVIS to open up my curtains. The early morning sunlight was nothing less than blinding, but I'd been in worse situations. Like almost getting exploded. Almost magically combusting. Setting my carpet on fire. That kinda thing. 

I searched my closet for something to wear. I usually wore jeans or black tights, which went with everything, but since I needed something a bit easier to move around in, I chose black athletic pants and a New York University sweatshirt. I'd graduated there shortly before the attack on NYC happened, and I'm glad that I did, or else I'd be going between studying and training to be an Avenger. 

I brushed my strawberry blonde hair and pulled it back into a low bun. This kept the wavy strands out of my face when I was training and fighting. I put away some books that I was reading the night before and looked around for my gloves. 

Every day, I wore black silk gloves to try and keep the magic from spilling from my hands. They don't do anything to stop the magic, but they stay as a reminder that I'm a threat to others when I lose control of myself. 

Checking myself in the mirror, I noticed my deep violet eyes were shining much more than usual.

Honestly, I'm not as special as you think. It's a defining Malus trait to have purple eyes. It has a very good message to it- it's a way of showing that we're all kin. We're all together and connected through our blood. 

Opening my door again, I told JARVIS to turn off my bedroom light and close the door behind me as I walked out. I turned down the hallway and towards the living room. The giant TV was turned off and the soft couches were deserted. I shrugged and made my way into the kitchen, then the dining room. Everyone was sitting around the table, some looking as tired as I was. 

"Mornin, Ava," Clint said, looking as though Tony or Natasha had woken him up only 5 minutes ago. 

"Good Morning. What's for breakfast?" I asked.

Wilder: An Alternate Avengers Timeline(Loki x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt