Chapter 7- I let Natasha(and Loki) tire the living daylight out of me

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I finally found Natasha practicing martial arts in the training room. When she saw me, she stopped and grabbed her towel, wiping her face off.

"How'd it go?" she asked.

"I need to talk to you," I told her.

"I'll take that as a bad. I have time. Talk to me,"

"JARVIS told him a few things that I didn't need him knowing about me. For example, somehow he knows that I was left here on Earth to die. I didn't tell him that. I also didn't tell him my codename, and yet he still figured that out, too. He's been slipping in a few things that he knows about me when I talk to him as if he's waiting for me to realize that he knows more about me than I think,"

Natasha was silent for a minute, thinking. Then, she asked, "What did he say to you, Ava?"

I started to explain to her, then cut myself off. Yes, he was driving me insane and I wanted him out of here as soon as possible, but what he did wouldn't be enough for Thor to agree to send him back. They'd only remove me from my post as his babysitter/watchwoman, and we couldn't have that. Everyone else in Avengers tower was busy 24/7 with missions and training, so if there came a time when he was completely unguarded... that wouldn't be good.

So I told Natasha some things. I told her how he'd figured out that I was Malus and how I'd explained to him that it would be impossible for him to trick JARVIS. I told her how he'd asked about my gloves(I didn't tell her that he'd touched me, just to be safe) and I told her that I'd explained Malus's location to him, something he ought to have already known.

I didn't tell her how he'd told me that we were alike.

I didn't tell her about how he'd held my gaze as he'd told me how we'd both been abandoned and left to die.

I didn't tell her that for a quick but real moment, I found myself trusting him.

That was what scared me the most. That he'd actually managed to coax me into trusting him.

"Sounds like you need a break," Natasha said. "He's trying to get on your nerves. If he ever starts doing something like that again, where he starts talking to you like that, feel free to slap a muzzle on him and hang him over the side of the tower."

I chuckled half-heartedly. "Alright. Thanks for listening, Nat."

"All this trouble on his first day... he must really hate it here,"

"Or he wants to see how far he can push me without getting sent back,"

"Probably both. Wanna practice with me?"

I grinned, grateful for a reason to stay as far away from Loki as possible. "Yes, please,"


Nat's training sessions were long and hard. She trained me in martial arts, helped warm me up a bit, then tied my left arm(my dominant arm) behind my back, and sparred with me. Once I'd succeeded in losing against her 10 times, she untied my left arm and tied my right instead. I won against her twice out of the ten rounds that time. After we wrapped up with martial arts, we moved on to weapons training, where she refreshed my memory on fighting with everyday objects. We sparred a couple of times, her handing me a random object such as a scarf or a backpack and telling me to fight her with it. I was greatly outmatched, as she had a dagger. Once I lost against her seven times and won against her three times, she put me through target practice. She had me use a pistol, dagger, and rifle against moving bullseyes.  

"Time," she finally said. I swiped up my towel and tried to clear the endless sweat on my face. "You might want to shower now," 

"Might?" I panted. "I'm ready to hit the sack,"

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