Chapter 6- I dine with the mischief god

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"Oof. Wish I could help you. Maybe Thor will agree to take your place," Clint said, once I'd announced my absence to everyone in the living room, which consisted of Clint, Natasha, and Steve.

"Thor's still away," Natasha reminded him. 

"Right," Clint shrugged. "Looks like you'll need some luck then,"

"Cap?" I pleaded, turning to Steve. "Cap, will you help a sister out here?"

Steve laughed and shook his head. "I'm not really in the mood for babysitting. Besides, I'm probably not coming to supper either,"

"Why not?" I asked incredulously. 

"I've got training exercises with Stark, that's why,"

"Does training involve him filling you in on everything you missed?"

"Sometimes, yeah. Why?"


"Well, it kinda is," Tony said, just entering the room. "And I don't see why you can't handle him, Ava, you'll be fine. If he ticks you off, smack him. You like to do that to people who disrespect you, don't you?"

I smirked. "Yeah, but that's not the point. He'll probably hit me back,"

"And then we'll ship him back to Asgard. Double win for all of us,"

I laughed, realizing that he was right. He couldn't do anything to me without making it the last thing he did.

"Well, when you put it like that..."

"See? Stark makes everything better," Tony declared. "I don't see why you didn't come to me first."

This made everyone in the room laugh.

"Romanoff can make everything better," Natasha commented.

"Romanoff kills to make everything better," I corrected.

Natasha shrugged. "Same difference,"

"It's really not,"

"Really is,"

"Barton makes everything better," Clint suggested.

"By putting an arrow through your head, maybe!" I exclaimed, half laughing.

"Banner makes everything better," Bruce said, now entering the room from where Tony had.

"I-" I stopped myself. "You know, I can't argue with that logic. Banner actually can make everything better, being Dr. Banner and all,"

"Er- thanks?" Bruce said, sitting down on the couch across from me. "Now, what did I miss?"

"Wilder's going on a date with Loki," Natasha said, smirking at me.

"YOUKNOWWHATROMANOFF-" I exclaimed, standing and returning her smirk.

"Who? WHAT?" Bruce asked, clearly intrigued.

I sighed. "Since I'm the babysitter, I have to make sure he doesn't kill anyone while dining. He chose to eat in his room, so naturally, I have to be there for it,"

"Ah," Bruce replied, sounding almost disappointed.

"Why do you sound so... upset?" Natasha asked. "Did you want her to go on a date with Loki? I do,"

"ISWEARTOGODROMANOFF-" I nearly shouted.

"Well, kinda. I just, for a second, supported the decision because I wanted to see how it all would end," Bruce explained, waiting for me to lash out at him.

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