Chapter 23- (Final) Loki's POV

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Author's note: I know I had one of these literally five chapters ago, but I couldn't help but add it again. This is the last one. Happy reading!


"You needed to speak to me, brother?"




Loki gulped back a tad of nervousness that rose inside of him as Thor lead him out onto the penthouse, where he sat down in an armchair and motioned for him to do the same.

"If you are not aware," Thor said, pointing towards a corner of the room, "There is a security camera right there,"

Loki immediately understood what he was on about, but didn't dare interject.

"And there," Thor pointed towards the corner across from it, "And there."

Thor finished by pointing towards the door.

"What?" Loki asked.

"On the doorknob. Stark told me," Thor explained.

"That's a terribly inconvenient place to put a security camera. What if someone just... covers it?"

"They don't know that it's there,"

"Yeah, but what if they're holding the door while trying to attack somebody? The camera is blacked out,"

"Why would you hold a door while trying to attack somebody?!"

"Er- I don't know, because you're trying to escape,"

"Why wouldn't they just not attack people in the first place and take the elevator downstairs?"

"Because- you know what? I'm not having this argument today,"

"Good, then zip it,"

Loki rolled his eyes and sunk back into his armchair. "So, what about Ava?"

"I said zip it!" Thor snapped. His expression immediately softened. "And yes, I was going to talk about Ava. I assume you catch my drift when I say I was in the security room when you guys... made up," 

Loki groaned. "I wish I didn't,"

"Right. I command you to stop this,"

Loki's head snapped to look at him. "What?!"

"Stop whatever you're doing. Your intentions are not as good as she thinks, are they?" Thor accused coldly.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Loki snarled defensively. 

"Yes, you do!" Thor shouted, sitting up straight. "You know damn well what I'm talking about!"

"So let me get this straight. You're assuming..." Loki stood from his chair and approached his brother, his expression now stone-cold and his tone rough and demanding, "That I would attempt to hurt her just so I could free myself?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm assuming!" Thor stated, rising to his feet as well. "Don't think that I do not know you, brother, I know you have only vile intentions-"

"That's why you're sending me back?!" Loki demanded. "Because you claim to know things you couldn't possibly understand?!" 

"I know my brother, Loki, you will betray her as you've betrayed me,"

"What you don't understand is my undying desire for her!"

"So you claim to love her?"


"Like you claimed to love me? Like you claimed to love mother and father?"

"Do not bring family into this," Loki growled. "And most certainly do not bring mother into this!"

"I don't see a difference! Now, then... you had the same motives! I've learned from living with you my whole life. I've learned how you gain people's trust, just as you are now, only to rip them apart!"

"I couldn't do that to her!"

"Why should I believe you? Why should she believe you? Why should any of us believe you?! We're sending you back to Asgard for a reason, and that reason is to protect Ava!"

"S-she'll die!"

"No, she'll get over it-"

"Thor, you don't understand!" Loki's rage was replaced with fear. "She will die. Literally. The second I walk into the dungeons on Asgard, she'll fall over, dead,"

Thor's expression changed to confusion. "Loki..."

"She swore to me that she would keep me out of the dungeons. She swore that I would never have to go back there. And she swore on her life,"

Thor peered at his brother, anger surging back into his eyes. "You told her to," he barked. "You made her swear to you, didn't you?!"

Loki looked down at his feet. He had, actually, and now, looking back, he was quite ashamed.

"So you've already betrayed her," Thor growled. 

A glare twisted itself into Loki's facial expression. He looked his brother in the eyes and snarled, "I suppose I have,"

"You don't deserve her," Thor told him. "She deserves someone she can trust. Someone who won't betray her as a 16-year-old high school boyfriend would- harshly and suddenly."

With a bit of thought, Loki realized that he was correct. Ava did deserve better. She deserved more, too. So much more.

Loki spun around, focusing. 

"Brother? What are you doing?" Thor asked suspiciously.

Loki let out a deep breath. "I renounce the endurance of the oath made to me," 

His hands glowed a dull shade of purple, slowly turning to green before going out.

"Wh- what did you just do?" Thor demanded. 

"I renounced the oath. She will no longer die if I am sent to the dungeons and she no longer has to fight to keep me here. I'll go back when you send me back. Without resistance,"

Thor was silent for a long time. The brothers stood in silence, neither of them having anything to say. 

About a minute later, Thor managed to suggest, "We should probably go tell Ava,"

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