Chapter 17

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Cinder POV

"So that's her then." I said as I glared at the woman who kidnapped my baby, "Well then time to get back what's mine." I said as I put a glass chess piece on Ironwood's desk before I left. "Wait, Blake Belladonna was the one looking after him?!" I said, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE LOOKS LIKE ME!" I said, "Well I suppose you have a point Neo. For a three-year-old, her long black hair and amber eyes would remind him of me. But I'm his mother and no one can say otherwise." I said as we left.

Melody POV

"I finally have you back." I said, "Blake?" (y/n) said softly as he woke up, "I'm sorry sweetie, but Blake's going on a trip. She's going to visit Daddy." I said, "Melody Sinclare I presume." a woman said as she entered the warehouse, "Who are you?" I asked as her amber eyes began to glow, "I am Cinder Fall, and you have something that belongs to me." she said coldly, "MAMA!" (y/n) said happily, "So you're the one who he sees as his mother. Well, it's painfully obvious that you and he have a connection, and I'd hate to break his heart. So I'll make you an offer, join me and become one of his step-mothers. You will not find a better offer, you will get to be around the child you love so dearly forever." I said, "And if I refuse?" she said, "Well then you and Blake both will share the same fate." I said as Morgana pointed her blade at Cinder's throat, "(y/n) sweetheart close your eyes and do not open them until I tell you to, ok." Cinder said sweetly, "Otay!" (y/n) said happily as he tightly closed his eyes, "I choose the third option." she said as she melted Morgana's blade and pinned her to the wall with glass, "I take my son back and then I put you down." she said as flames shot from her eyes and she began to float high in the air, suddenly (y/n) began to float towards her, "You made a fatal error Melody." she said as she held (y/n), "You assumed I'd settle for being one of his mothers when I am his one and only mother." she said coldly, suddenly I felt a sharp pain jolt through me and when I looked down she had impaled a large spike of glass through my chest.

Cinder POV

"You can open your eyes now." I said as I shut the door to Melody's warehouse, "Mama!" (y/n) said happily as he hugged me, "I've missed you so much, baby." I said as I hugged him.

My Flame (male child reader X mother Cinder Fall)Where stories live. Discover now