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Cinder POV

There I was sad, alone, and utterly defeated. Nothing could possibly make today ok. That's when I heard it; the sound of a child crying. I ran over to where the sound was coming from thinking that maybe just maybe watching a life end would make me happy, but when I found the child he was backed into a corner by an alpha Beowulf. The child couldn't have been any more than three-years-old, his mother and father were lying in a pool of their blood behind the grimm. He was so scared. So afraid. So alone. So much like me. Maybe that's why I did it, maybe that's why I saved him. "Are you ok sweetie?" I asked as I impaled the grimm with a series of glass spikes before it could pounce on the child. He just kept crying, suddenly he hugged me and buried his face in my chest while he cried, "Shhh it's ok, you're ok." I said as I stroked his head. That's when I heard his gentle snoring, "Cinder we have to go!" Emerald said, "A...Alright." I said as I got up still holding the child.

When we got to Salem's castle I took the child to my room so he could sleep. That didn't last long since five minutes after I tucked him in he woke up, "Hi there sweetie did you sleep well?" I asked, he just looked scared, "It's ok I'm not going to hurt you, sweetie. How about you tell me your name, my name is Cinder, Cinder Fall." I said, "What's your name?" I asked sweetly, "(y...y/n)." He said timidly, "Well (y/n) I'm going to be taking care of you for a while ok." I said that was partly the truth I was going to take care of him for a while until he got on my nerves then I would feed him to a Beowulf. "Ok." He said, he looked scared, "Are you scared?" I asked he nodded, "It's alright, I won't let anything happen to you." I lied as I hugged him.

Six weeks later

"Let's see now, where did my little (y/n) go?" I said while (y/n) giggled as he hid under our bed. I have been raising (y/n) for about six weeks now and after about a week he started calling me mama needless to say I never expected him to actually have lived this long, but it's a welcomed and a very pleasant surprise that he did. "Where could he have gone? Maybe he ran away!" I said as I walked over to the bed where his hands were poking out from under the  bed, "Hmm I don't think he would run away so where is he?" I said, "Maybe he's...right here!" I said as I pulled him out from under the bed and tickled him, "I found you silly!" I said as he laughed, "Cinder." Emerald said, "That's right I completely forgot. I'll be there in a bit." I said, "Ok sweetie Mama has to go train, but I promise I'll come play with you later ok." I said, "Ok!" (y/n) said happily, "Can Mama have a goodbye kiss?" I said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek before I left.

(a/n): Ok so I know this is like my sixth Cinder story...but in my defense EVERYONE loves Cinder. Also, I wanted to do another Mama Cinder story since the last one ended terribly. Also since Ruby stopped Cinder and saved Pyrrha Cinder still has her arm and eye. 

My Flame (male child reader X mother Cinder Fall)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora