Chapter 6

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(y/n) POV

"Hello! My name's Pyrrha, it's very nice to meet you." Pyrrha said as she pulled her spear out of the wall.

" Pyrrha said as she pulled her spear out of the wall

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Owie." I said as I pointed at her left shoulder, "Oh don't worry I got this a long time ago. A woman named Cinder shot me. But that's all in the past." She said, "YOU PUSHED ME INTO A LOCKER AND LAUNCHED IT HALFWAY ACROSS THE CITY SO YOU COULD GO DIE! I'm still a little upset about that." a loser said, "Loser." I said as I pointed at him, "That's Jaune." Blake said, "He's not wrong." Jaune said, "That's Ren and she's Nora." Blake said.

Cinder POV

'(Y/N)!' I thought as I pulled myself out of the water too weak to use my maiden powers, "Oh my goodness! Are you alright?" a woman asked I just smiled slightly before shooting her with a shard of glass. "Sorry, but I have to go find my son and you were just an unfortunate casualty. Honestly, you got off easy compared to what I'm going to do to Ruby and her friends. And if I find out that someone's taken, my baby, well they'll suffer a slow and painful death that'll make what I do to Ruby and her pathetic friends look merciful." I said.

Blake POV

"Mama." (y/n) said as he slept in my arms. "He seems to really like you, Blake." Ruby said, "Yeah, He probably thinks I look like his mom or older sister." I said, "Maybe he has a thing for you." Yang said, "Hm, well he is cute." I said jokingly as we headed back to the hotel.

"Goodnight (y/n). You can sleep with me tonight." I said as I tucked (y/n) into bed with me.

(y/n) POV

"Good morning (y/n)." Blake said, "Blake." I said as she picked me up, "Looks like you slept well. Let's go have breakfast." She said sweetly as she carried me to the kitchen.

"Ok since breakfast is the most important meal of the day I've found it best to start the day with a heavy meal!" Blake said, "Fish, sushi, a rice omelet, more fish, and to top it off fried chicken!" She said as she rolled up her sleeves, "Now let's see how do I start cooking this? Oh well, how hard could it be! Mom does this all the time!" She said as she began cooking. Seconds later the stove caught fire.

"I'm sorry." Blake said, "BLAKE WHAT WERE YOU THINKING! YOU CANT ADD GAS TO AN OPEN FLAME!" Yang scalded, "But that puny flame didn't look like it could cook anything and the stove couldn't make it any bigger so I thought the gas would help." Blake said, "HELP HOW?! IF YOU WANTED TO BURN US TO A CRISP THEN YES IT'S VERY HELPFUL!" Weiss scalded, I couldn't help but laugh, "Blake silly!" I laughed, "Well at least he's entertained by this entire mess." Yang said, "Pyrrha would you mind washing him up with you while you're in the shower. I'd make Blake do it but she'll be too busy cleaning." Yang said, "I don't mind." Pyrrha said as she picked me up.

"Ok (y/n) get undressed." Pyrrha said as she dropped her towel, "Big." I said. 

Cinder POV

'(y/n) where are you?' I thought, "I have to find him! I have to find my son!" I said as I walked down the street.

(y/n) POV

"Feel better now that you've had a shower with your big sis?" Yang said as Pyrrha carried me out to the kitchen. "We made some grilled fish for breakfast, and (y/n) if you try it and don't like it then I can make you some cereal." Yang said, "Here (y/n) say ah." Blake said as she put a bit of fish in my mouth, "Yummy!" I said, "I'm glad you like it. Here have some more." She said as she put a fish on my plate. "Blake helped make all this but only to the extent that she was in the room when we made it. Blake's no longer allowed to cook anything." Yang said, "Hey I thought that nitroglycerin would make the flavor really explode! How was I supposed to know it would really explode?" Blake said, "IT'S COMMON SENSE!" Yang, Ruby, and Weiss said, "Shut up Weiss you just have your cake butler do all your cooking for you. Stuck up, rich girl." Blake pouted.

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