Chapter 2

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Cinder POV

It's been twelve weeks since I adopted (y/n). I learned that I don't have to push him away when I have to work I just have to give him something to draw on or color. "Mama!" (y/n) said, "Did you draw me a picture sweetheart?" I asked sweetly as he handed me his drawing, "WOW! This is really good honey!" I said as I kissed the top of his head, the picture wasn't anything too spectacular, it was just two stick figures with arrows pointing at each. One was pointing at the tallest figure and it said "Mama" and the other said "Me". It was so simple but it meant so much to me. Just knowing that my son loves me enough to draw pictures for me on his own made me very happy. "Mama sad?" He asked I didn't realize that I had started crying until he said something, "No, no sweetheart Mama's just very very happy." I said as I dried my eyes, "This is going straight on the wall in our room." I said.

"That looks great!" I said as I admired the brand new art, "That's never coming down." I said, "Oh shoot! I have to get ready to go to the Branwen tribe." I said as I began to pack, suddenly (y/n) flopped into my suitcase "Baby no, Mommy has to go." I said as I picked him up and kissed his cheek, "Mommy's gonna be gone for a few days but then I'll come right back home." I said as he hugged me.

"Well, that could have gone better." Emerald said, "I'm sorry I wasn't at my best. I miss my baby too much." I said, "Wait does anyone else hear a Disney movie?" Mercury asked, "Now that you mention it yeah. But I did start watching Tarzan with (y/n) before we left." I said as I opened the Bullhead and saw (y/n) sitting on the floor watching the movie, "Mercury if you say a single word." I said, "Mama!" (y/n) said happily ash he turned around and hugged me, suddenly I heard Emerald and Mercury snicker, "Mama." (y/n) said as he showed me the last thing I expected to see; Mercury's creepy Cinder Puppet. "Mercury!" I said menacingly.

My Flame (male child reader X mother Cinder Fall)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat