Chapter 6- The Search Begins

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The soft breeze made the windchime produce soothing sound as Krishnaa picked up her buzzing phone and answered the incoming call


"Hello, Krishnaa."

"Oh, it's you... Vivan."

"Are you okay Krishnaa? No one saw you at the college today."

"It's just that I didn't feel like coming. I'm alright."

"Can you be able to attend the Festival and see the comet?"

"What? The Festival..."

"The Autumn Festival. Can you come there and see tthe comet with us there as we planned?"

"Yeah, the comet. It will be at its brightest today. Okay, I will come. See you later."

Today was when the Hemant Utsav popularly known as the Autumn Festival was held at Mridkhand Temple. It was the biggest event held there all throughout the year. The organisers of the Autumn Festival were obviously the Priests of the Shrine. The whole town used to come to the biggest and the most grand social event of Mridkhand. It was the very day when the comet will be the nearest to earth.

Stalls of different things such as food products and local delicacies, various games, even fortune telling were set up. 

Vivan and Natasha were waiting for Krishnaa near the Festival. Natasha broke the silence with,

"You just want to see Krishnaa in her shrine maiden, don't you?"

"I am not! It didn't even cross my mind." Natasha gave him teasing look so Vivan tried to change the topic

"You know she sounded kinda dull when I called her."

"Maybe she just didn't wanted a call from ya."

"It's not funny."

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Another familiar and sweet voice came, it was Krishnaa. After hearing the both of them made the following comments

"Oh! She's here." Natasha exclaimed.

"You're late." Vivan said. But both goy shocked after they saw not at all expecting that Krishnaa had cut her till shoulder length.

"Krishnaa... what happened...." Natasha said still in a shock

"To your hair??" Vivan continued while Krishnaa just stroked her hair. She smiled softly at their reactions and answered

"I guess..... it's weird."

The three of them were then on their way to the Festival. Natasha and Vivan a few steps behind Krishnaa trying to figure out what was the reason of this change.

"You think it's gotta to do with some guy. Like he broke her heart?" Vivan asked Natasha, concerned.

"Guys just assume that it has to do with some boy. She said it felt like cutting it." Natasha replied

"You sure about that? You really think she felt cutting off that much-" Their heated argument was cut off by Krishnaa as she exclaimed

"Hey guys, I can see it." She rushed towards the side if the Mridkhand Lake from where she could get a good look of the comet. She gazed at the beautiful comet witnessing something which only happens in 1200 years with her own eyes. Her eyes reflecting the comet as...


Here in Ranchi, Paarth tried to call Krishnaa but the only answer he recieved was

"The number you are trying to reach is outside the cellular network or is currently switched off."

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