Chapter 1 ~ Argument

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The sound of my groans filled my ears as I slowly ruffled underneath my bedsheets, trying to get comfortable. 'I honestly don't want to get up,' I thought as I slowly peeped my eye open to see the sun peering through my curtain.

I groan in irritation until I found a comfortable spot on the bed, letting my eyes close slowly again into a deep sleep. As I softly snore to myself, my door quickly slammed open revealing my mother with the face of a hellhound and anger issues just like a bear.

"Get your fucking ass up, you!" she shouted and with all of her force, yanked the blankets off of my body and onto the floor. I can hear her footsteps walk over to the other side of my bed and yank the curtains open to reveal the bright fucking sun.

"I'm so sick of your ass just lying in bed until the afternoon! I swear I could've just given you to your father and let you take care of you, but no! I have to take you in my fucking house-"

I continue to listen, but tune her out the entire time. The same shit I've been listening to when I was fifteen. I'm now twenty-two and continue to the same story that use to make me cry and ball myself up to cover my pathetic face. Now, I just listen and listen until she gets into my face and scream at the top of her lungs.

She continues until she walks over to my doorway and slams the door shut behind her. Finally music to my ears; silence. I finally lifted myself from my bed and headed over to my closet to find anything to wear. I pulled out a black, oversized sweater, some blue jeans, and black converse. 'I'm not putting up with shit again,' I thought as I grabbed my wallet from the top of my dresser and headed down to the kitchen to see my mother calmly sipping her coffee while reading the newspaper.

"Hurry up and eat," she growled as she takes a sip of her coffee. I completely ignore her offer and headed outside to walk down the sidewalk to head towards the Lakewood Plaza Turbo. I headed over to the nearest gas stop to find something to munch on. I headed inside to see my good old guy friend, Vincent.

"Morning, Angel- I mean good evening," Vincent yawned tiredly.

"Hi, Vincent," I rolled my eyes as I headed over to the coffee dispenser with a variety of different flavors. I chose french vanilla, added two creams and two packages of sugar. I headed over to the register to see Vincent counting up his money before placing it back into his slot.

"Will that be it," Vincent questioned.

"Yeah," I responded as I pulled out my wallet, "I think I have a five-dollar bill in here-"


I quickly looked back to see the heroes at it again; K.O., Enid, and Radicles, fighting off the same villain. I sighed softly knowing that this is the fifth time this week with the same god damn villain with the same attacks and damage from yesterday. I slowly turned back towards Vincent to see in distressed and exhausted about this.

"There goes my paycheck," he responded as he requests the money again. I pulled out the five-dollar bill from my wallet and handed it to him. He slowly takes the bill out of my hand as he tries to watch the fight. I looked over to see it also; heroes getting beat down, the villain being crushed by punches, buildings being shattered, etc.

I leaned back against the counter as I also watched them fight. Let's just say, they're just getting hammered. Evil or not, I've never seen so much action in any film than this.

"How long do you think this is going to last," Vincent responded in question.

"Probably an hour or an hour and a half again, but hell," I responded as I took a sip of my coffee, "I needed this kind of action."

Maid To Be Or Not To Be (Lord Boxman x Professor Venomous vs. OC~)Where stories live. Discover now