Chapter 9 ~ Baby Weaponry

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After the whole "Venomous incident", him and I have, strangely, gotten along. Turns out, he's one helluva bioengineer and a great father figure.

I say, "father figure", meaning that when his minion, Fink, comes around, he treats her like a dearing daughter. Sure, she may not like either me or Boxman to entertain her, but Venomous, it's adorable.

Speaking of Venomous, I actually took his word for it. Call me a coward, but I think I don't ever want to see Venomous angry ever again.

Anytime I was order to give Boxman any kind of snacks or beverages, I do get them, yes, but I tell one of the kids to bring it to them instead. Gladly, Boxman doesn't take it as an issue and the kids don't seem to mind to do it.

Soon after, Venomous have stopped coming over to the factory. I assume that Boxman and him are done with their project.

Anyways, today just started out like normal; cleaning, talking, doing Boxman's fatass orders, etc. Today I was ordered to mop around the factory. Agreed to do so, I grabbed my water blob and got it started.

I followed my water buddy down the corridor until a particular door catches my eye. I glanced over to my left to see the door. To my surprise, it was actually Boxman's lab.

For some reason, something was calling out for me in there and I'm curious to find out what. Without thinking, I guided my right hand over to the key pad. I anxiously pressed three numbers in until-

"Angelique!!" I jerked my hand away and glanced over to see Boxman barely turning the corner, holding a basket full of dirty laundry. His vision was completely covered as he continues to call out my name, stumbling towards my way. I swiftly stood in front of him and snatched the basket from him.

"Oh, there you are," he said, pushing me out of the way, going into his lab, "I think you should know what I want you to do."

"Yes, sir," I replied, walking away from him until he yelled furiously. "Hey!" I jerked back around to meet his gaze, "were you messing with my code pad?"

"I- uh- accidentally slipped when you startled me. I think my hand must've grazed on the pad." Boxman's gaze soon turns into a glare as he punches in the code without taking his eyes on me. After the lab door opens, he walks inside, but ends up running into the wall.

I gasped silently, catching my laughter in time. "A-are you okay, my lord?" He shook off the pain and growled in disappoint. "Shut it, you!" He points his chicken hand towards me as he goes into the lab.

I continue to suck in my laughter as I took the dirty laundry into the laundry room, separating them by color or clothing type.

While doing so, somehow I felt frustrated, not because of the clothes. But from what's in the lab. I want to know, but then again, Boxman will punish me if I do, but that won't stop me.

~~~~~~~~~~Time Lapsed~~~~~~~~~~

After rotating the clothes in and out of the washing machine, I heard some grumbling from in the walls. I peaked out of the hallway to see Boxman, passing by and heading into his office.

'Good,' I thought, 'this is my chance!' I finished up the last load and hurried towards Boxman's lab. I sneakily peaked over every corner until I spotted his lab dead ahead.

I hushed over towards the door and quickly smashed in the code. The adrenaline was rising in my blood as I watch the metal door slide open.

I slithered inside, everything seemed normal. Nothing out of the ordinary and no sign of life. Perfect. I shut the metal door behind me as I snoop around the place until I stepped on a crushed paper ball.

Maid To Be Or Not To Be (Lord Boxman x Professor Venomous vs. OC~)Where stories live. Discover now