Chapter 13 - Children Problems

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WOOHOO!! IM BACK!! And I hope you lovely Voxman-shipping babies will adore it as much as I write them.


Ever since Professor Venomous purchased Boxmore and bunked in with Boxman, the two were practically inseparable during each project. Everything was back to normal; Boxman yelling at the kids and me, keeping the factory clean, and serving his fatass some snacks and drinks. But now with Professor Venomous in the same place roaming around, I'm keeping a low profile on my attitude. So, instead of talking back and swearing at my mistakes, I'm accepting any requests and muttering my words when he's around.

I respect his presence to put it short and so do the kids, surprisingly. He's such a lovely boss to them better than Boxman. Ranging from helping them out with daily routines to even buying them presents.

It's as if they gained another father figure. It melts my heart every time that Professor Venomous shows an equal amount of passion and respect as he does with Fink. Not only am I respecting Professor Venomous but his little minion, Fink, also. Not that I experience it, but if I act like myself around her, I fear that she will tattle about me. Gladly, throughout her stay here, she and I didn't have any problems, including the kids.

I must note that her relationships with the kids are pretty tame, but she keeps her feelings trapped in her room. I don't mind her having her distance and space, but the problem starts when she and Darrell cross paths.

These two are nonstop knockout machines. Constant fighting, biting, and name-calling ensued just the two of them. Once again, between the other bots, it's perfectly natural. No fighting or arguing. I honestly don't know what kind of magic Shannon and Raymond have, but I need it. You might think I can avoid their tantrums by going into different rooms to catch a break, but it doesn't work.

They're everywhere. Their tantrums. Their constant whining. are everywhere. Everywhere at...every...time...of

At this point, I couldn't take it anymore. I need to report this!

On this faithful day, I've decided to muster up the confidence to stomp towards Boxman's office, pushing any kind of Boxbot that has gone in my way. Soon, I arrived in front of his office door. I inhaled deeply as I busted down Boxman's office door, still exhausted by the constant yelling and screaming from the kids. Boxman jumped out of his chair and glared at me, "What in Cob's name are you doing here?!"

"We need to talk, my lord!"

"Oh? If it's about your paycheck, you don't have one. HA!"

"No! It's-"

"If it's an apology about you breaking down my door, I would like to hear it.

"No! It's about your kids, specifically Darrell! And Fink!" Boxman blows a raspberry as he turns his chair around to face the window. "Not my problem. Isn't it your job to take care of those kids in the first place?"

"Correct, but-"

"Then do your job!" Just from that comment, I inhaled roughly, trying to conceal the anger that was slowly creeping up inside of me. "My...Lord...," I exhaled softly, "ever since you and Professor Venomous became partners, Fink and Darrell, specifically, have been outrageous. They constantly fight back and forth and-"

"Ugh, I know that!" Boxman spins his chair back around to face me. "Professor Venomous and I have been taking note of their behavior and we have tried our best to conclude their problems, but I have decided to let you handle the situation. If you can break up Shannon and Darrell's tantrum, you can break up Darrell and Fink's tantrum."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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