Chapter 6 ~ Babysitting Hell

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Same old, same old. Wake up, clean, talk to the kids, and clean once more.

Nothing out of the ordinary, except for Lord Boxman keep making improvements out of the kid's weaponry. Let's just say; they're all a complete bust.

Whenever Boxman makes one of his creations, the scenario looks like; him, imagined as a small infant, creating weird shit with blocks or Legos, but one small move, chaos.

And when he throws one of his tantrums, I'm always there to cleaning up after him and feeding him to calm him down.

Stupid, I know, but I can just imagine it.

While stringed around that thought, the intercom chimed in, releasing a loud screeching from hell. I swiftly covered my ears, preventing them to bleed to death.

The sound finally subsided as Boxman clears his throat through the speaker. "Great," I said, "whatchu got to say now?"

"Angelique, my office. Now!" I rolled my eyes in disgust as I strolled down the hallway and towards his office. I knocked on the door for a response causing the door to open to reveal Boxman, doing some maintenance on his desk.

When I say maintenance, I mean testing out if his missiles are in place, rockets are able to levitate its figure, etc.

Boxman was too focused on his desk, so I tried to slowly back out of the room until a pair of metal claws grasp my arms and pushed me back inside.

I struggle furiously as I looked up to see Ernesto standing behind me and guided me in front of Boxman. Boxman stops midway and glances over towards me as Ernesto set me down and blocks my exit.

"Trying to leave, I see," Boxman asks as he points a wrench at me.

"No, my lord," I responded, "y-you were busy, so I wanted to wait outside in the hallway until you were done."

"Mhm," Boxman hummed, "anyways, I want you to sweep the hallway. I'm bringing over a guest to do a daily look around, if he's coming."

"Professor Venomous?"  I questioned. As I mentioned his name, I can see the faded pink blush appear around Boxman's cheeks. 'Well, well, well,' I thought as a smirk appears on my face, 'someone has a little crushy crush on a scientist.~'

"Y-yes, it is," Boxman stuttered, "now, go! Before he comes!" I nodded, heading out of the room and towards the kitchen. Sink filled, blob on the floor, and let's go. I swept around the hallway as the blob follows behind me. The clanking of the metal and machinery filled the room with the robot kids running around to get everything in line.

"I wonder what kind of other weaponry they can form into rather than a bazooka," I said until a knock was present at the door. "Oh he's here." I finished sweeping up the remaining dust and placed the blob back in the sink. With that out of the way, I walked back over towards the entrance to open to see Professor Venomous with the finest black suit on with slacks and shoes and with Fink? I think that's her name, wore her usual clothes.

"Professor, nice to meet you. Please come in," I said respectfully as I moved out of his way to let him enter and Fink also.

"Please to meet you, too," Professor Venomous responded in a deep, monotone voice, as he walks inside, "and where's Boxman?"

"My lord will-"

"Professor Venomous!" Boxman screeched down the hallway as his chubby body ran towards the three of us. He pudgy body flopping as he reaches towards him to shake his hand in such excitement. "I'm so sorry for the wait, I thought you were going to reschedule like you usually do, but you didn't have to dress up."

Maid To Be Or Not To Be (Lord Boxman x Professor Venomous vs. OC~)Where stories live. Discover now