Chapter 2 ~ Unexpected Visit

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The same as usual, I wake up to the sound of my mother screeching from like a mile away. I growled underneath my sheets as it continues. Once again, she busts down the door, making me fling the sheet off of my body and up at her to see the red tint around my mother's face. We glanced at each other for a hot minute until she finally spoke.

"Now you get your ass up, huh," she asked. I kept looking at her with a "stupid expression" until she snarled.

"Answer me!"

"Yes!" After I responded, she came up to me and slapped me.

"Don't shout at me!" I silently sighed underneath my breath until she scoffed.

"Get your ass up and eat!" She stomped out of my room including slamming the damn door. I groaned in irritation as anger continues to rise in my body.

'Fuck the food,' I thought as I begin to jump out of my bed and head over to my bathroom to start up a hot shower. I undressed out of my clothes and into the shower while warm water drops run down my body.

After nearly an hour, I finally turned off the water and step out to see the steamed-up bathroom that clouded up the mirror and window. When I was about to get ready, my phone vibrates on the sink counter. I grabbed my phone to see that Vincent was calling me.

"Vincent," I asked myself as I slipped on some black pants and a short sleeve, white shirt. I answered the phone as I begin to blow dry my hair.

"Hey, Vince, what's up," I responded.

"Hey, this guy came into the gas station today and was giving out flyers," he speaks up.

"What for," I questioned.

"I think it's for like a babysitting job or as a maid...I don't know, but just come down to the gas station. He handed me a bunch of fliers."

"Alright, cool. I'll go over there in just a minute." I hunged up the phone as I put on my sweater from yesterday and my shoes to get ready. I swiftly headed towards my door until I realized that my mother is making that shitty breakfast; scrambled eggs and tofu.

I didn't know how to get away from her man strength and horrible attitude, so without thinking, I looked over at my bedroom window. I locked my bedroom door and headed over to my window to open it. With all my strength, I try to pry it open until I realized the nails on the edge of the window seal.

"Shit," I whispered. I continue to pry open the window until I looked over at my bathroom window. I quickly rushed over to the bathroom window and pry it open and to my surprise, it opened. I threw my leg over the end of my window as I slowly bring my body out.

"I regret this! I regret this! I regret this!" I keep repeating the same words out of my mouth until my body slipped, making me fall into a bundle of bushes and onto the ground. I groaned in pain as my stupidity got the best of me.

"I could've done better," I said to myself, but was muffled onto the grassy ground. I slowly lifted my head to see some kids looking at me in shock at what the fuck just happened. I quickly stood up and dust off as I jogged over to the gas station.

~~~~~~~~~~Time Lapse~~~~~~~~~~

I pant softly as my legs begin to get sore from that fall and the amount of weight I put onto them. As I arrived at the gas station, I bust through glass doors, making me trip and lay flat on the ground. I looked to see Vincent staring at me with confusion and fear.

"Where's t-t-the fl-flyer," I questioned him in a breathless sigh. He places the flyer onto the counter and slid it in front of me. I sat up from the floor and walked over to the counter to see that a man named, "Boxman", was looking for a person to be a maid. Not my words, but in their words.

Maid To Be Or Not To Be (Lord Boxman x Professor Venomous vs. OC~)Where stories live. Discover now