02 - Mind Over Matter

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"Not really." I shook my head at Nick. "I wasn't expecting anyone at all, to be honest. What can I do for you? Declan isn’t at home right now and I don't think he'll be back until late."

Nick seemed to fight a smile while slightly shaking his head."He told me to stop by though. He said I could pick up my car tonight. He finally managed to fix it. Did he leave the keys, or…"

"I don't know. He didn't mention anything about keys. If you have a minute, I can run upstairs to see if I can find them in his bedroom. Just come on in." I opened the door a bit more. "I bet he just sent you over to check up on me," I muttered more to myself than anything, but too loud for Nick not to have picked up on it.

"Sounds like Declan to me," he chuckled. I could slap myself on the forehead for speaking my thoughts out loud. Nick brushed past me as he stepped into the hallway and instantly, I felt my cheeks get warmer. However, before I even had the time to feel embarrassed about blushing, Tommy called out for me.

"I'll be right -" I started to say, but the sound of Tommy throwing up made me turn on my heel at once. Halfway up the stairs, I glanced over my shoulders at Nick's tall figure. He looked like he was about to say something but I spoke first. "Just go on in, I'll be back down in a bit."

Upon entering his room, I found Tommy on the floor with his arms wrapped around the bucket, throwing up. At least he had thought of using the bucket, I sighed in relief.

Sitting next to him on the bed, I wiped the hair from his face. “You will feel better soon, Tommy.”

When he looked certain there wasn't anything left inside him to come out, he pushed the bucket as far away as possible before wiping his mouth clean on the sleeve of his left arm.

"Tommy!" I sighed while shaking my head at him. "You could've asked for paper wipes, or even a towel, you know? We can't use the washing machine as it is, so I really could do without the extra laundry."

"Sorry," he mumbled. "I can still wear this. I don't mind."

I scrunched my face. "Trust me, I will. Take it off and let me see if I can find you something else to wear."

"Can I come downstairs?" Tommy wanted to know when I handed him one of Declan's old shirts. Tommy said it so quietly that I barely even heard him.

"Of course, you can. Why don't you go ahead? I'll be there as soon as I'm done cleaning up here." I picked up the bucket and went to empty it in the bathroom while Tommy left the room. After rinsing the bucket, I went to retrieve Tommy's dirty clothes and threw them on top of the ever-growing pile of dirty laundry in the bathroom. If we didn't pay that electricity bill soon, I'd have to pay a visit to the washing salon down the street, or else we'd run out of clothes to wear.

After opening a window in the boys' room and taking Tommy's medicine with me, I went downstairs as well. I smiled when I found Tommy nicely tucked in on the couch, no doubt by Nick’s doing.

"You look like a rolled-up pancake," I laughed while squatting next to Tommy. "You’re going to have to take some of this; it'll help settle your stomach." I showed him the little bottle I held in my hand.

"Cassie, that tastes disgusting. It'll only make me sick again!" Tommy shook his head brusquely, clenching his lips firmly together.

"Come on, Tommy. Not this again. It's not that bad."

He raised his eyebrows. "It really is."

"You only need one spoon." I reasoned while filling a spoon with the orange liquid. "Big boys don't whine; they take their medicine."

Carrying The Weight Of The World [on hold]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora