"Meliodas, it's not that I don't. No matter how many times you tell me, I'll always worry about you," you sighed, unconsciously moving closer to him. 

"I know," he smiled brightly before removing his hand from your skin quickly,  effectively surprising you, "that's one of the many things I love about you." Your face instantly tinted with red as you instinctively turned your eyes in his opposite direction, not realizing where his hands were heading towards. "I didn't think saying something as simple as that was gonna make you look this cute..." He silently sneaked behind you, preparing his hands to touch your... well, everywhere. Too bad you were too good for him perverted ways.

He would've had succeeded too if you hadn't spun around and kicked his shins. "What the hell Meliodas! You can't just— you shouldn't even be touching females like that!" you panicked-yelled, flustered that you were so close to falling for his sleaziness.

"Haha! (Y/n)-chan, your face really is cute!" he mocked as he pointed at your red face with his one free hand as the other held onto his bruised shin. You huffed in annoyance until you felt a warm embrace enveloping you. "But, seriously, thank you for worrying this much about me. Because of you, I know I won't lose control of my power or my anger. That's because I want to stay and protect you for as long as I can!" he said softly as you held him back.

You sighed defeatedly, knowing his conviction was too strong to argue against. "I know. I'll stop doubting you now," you smiled faintly before stepping out of the hug, becoming more aware of the desire of sustenance you harbored within your abdomen. You bid Meliodas goodbye after you told him you were off to the cafe. You watched him continue on to Merlin's before seating yourself down at the small outdoor patio of the local establishment, ordering yourself a (f/f) and (f/d).

"Here you go. Please enjoy." The waiter had politely placed your meal and drink before you as you thanked him. As you began eating, the faint rumble of earth began to echo throughout the area. Thinking little of it and not really caring when you were starving, you ignored it and continued eating. Not longer after townspeople had begun exiting their homes, mildly panicking as they immediately starting asking about the commotion. You sighed once again for the hundredth time today and shoved the rest of the food in your mouth. Getting up from your seating, you felt the familiar pulse of black spread throughout the city as the civilians collapsed onto the ground. Knowing this was Gowther's doing and judging from the shake of the earth from before, you assumed Diane and Gowther were going at it for some reasonable reason.

Nearing the center of the turmoil, you found Gowther sheltering himself with his knees against a wall as Diane and Guila were tended to by Elizabeth. "Are you hurt, Diane?" you asked kneeling down to her. Meliodas and Merlin walked to Gowther, no doubt about to discussing his punishment.

"I'm okay, (y/n). I just have a couple of scratches," Diane assured, but you continued to heal her anyways before moving on to Guila.

"Please lock me up. Away from everyone else. Before I cease to be myself," Gowther said grimly. After revealing the events that had transpired, Gowther had given back Guila's and Zeal's correct memories. Thankfully, she had forgiven Gowther for his careless actions and left with Zeal.

"What's with all this commotion?" A figure had been standing upon a rooted block of earth before leaping down to join the conversation.

"Slader from the Roars of Dawn, eh? Perfect timing. I have an urgent favor to ask you," Merlin informed.

"That one basically ignores any command that isn't the king's," Meliodas replied. But surprisingly Slader had obediently kneeled to Merlin. Meliodas slid next to him and whispered, "Hey, Slader. Does Merlin have any dirt on you or something?" 

Slader had recited his amazement when he saw Merlin's power during the battle that led to his adoration for her. "Please let me call you my elder sister!"

"Wow. Got him on a leash, huh Merlin. You can make him your servant or something," you whistled amusedly.

"Hm, making someone your callboy is more of something you would do, (y/n)-chan," she smirked back. 

"Hey! That's not—" Before being able to finish refuting her statement, Merlin had already changed the topic. 

"Call me whatever you'd like. Gowther, come here." Melin rose her arm out to him and activated Absolute Cancel, reverting him to his doll state. She handed him to Slader and trusted him to protect Gowther.

Everyone headed back to the tavern, discussing Gowther's true species (you guessed that's what being a doll referred to). You stood leaning over the counter from the bartender's position, delicately stroking Gowther's pink hair with your finger. You hadn't expect him more or less anyone to be a doll and still closely function as a person. Well, it did explain his peculiar personality. Breaking you out of your wonderment, Elizabeth pleaded desperately, "Sir Meliodas! Please let me come along too!"

"I told you before. The battle for Liones is over. There's no reason to put you in any danger," he answered coldly. 

"But I am one of your comrades too! Am I the only one who feels that way? Am I just baggage that weighs you down?"

"That's exactly right." Elizabeth ran out of the pub and shut the door behind her. Diane punched Meliodas and Hawk kicked in the wall, calling him a jerk. 

"C'mon Meliodas. At least try to be nice about it," you chided. You got up from your position, preparing your way out the back door with the intention of comforting Elizabeth. You didn't want her to feel bad about what Meliodas had said, but you also wanted her to stay safe within the kingdom's walls.  A large hand had stopped you from continuing. Craning your head to look at him, Slader gave you a smile (you assumed) as he whispered, "Don't worry about it. I'll cover up this guy's tactless mistake." Giving him a nod of agreement, you went back to stroking Gowther's tiny head.

Soon after coming back into the tavern, Merlin's orb had alerted her of some danger. "We're heading to Camelot immediately. I've detected an abnormal surge of magical power." She promptly teleported everyone to the borders of the capital. 

From the sky, you saw a large chalky golem staring back as it towered over the kingdom. You analyzed the ugly monster, assessing that its power levels were higher than Hendrickson, scaling at 5,500. Gritting your teeth, you knew this was a clear wake-up sign to get off your ass and starting getting stronger. Feeling the slight anger and annoyance rise in you as you predicted the struggles of dealing with these beasts, your determination grew. It's only a shame that your natural resentment for the demon clan increased as well. 

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