Chapter 8

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Second POV 

"You sure she's in this tower?" Meliodas asked.

"Sure! He didn't look like the kind of soldier who could lie to my face." Diane replied.

"He didn't? Thanks, Elizabeth," he said quickly before entering.

"That's weird, this place is completely deserted."

"I guess my knocking that Holy Knight airborne did a number on them."

"Bunch of wimps."

"Are you really okay, Meliodas? I'm sorry for hurting you!" You apologized while doing a small bow with your head.

"Ah, it's okay! I'm fine! Are you?" He beamed with a carefree smile until he looked at you worriedly to see if he did serious damage.

"I'm okay!" He pet your head softly and looked into your eyes.

"You know, you don't have to bow. We're friends!" The term "friends" struck a small sharp pain in his heart, and he hoped that eventually that term wouldn't define them.

As for (Y/N), the term also pained her, but she just simply shrugged it off as a pain from the previous brawl.


"Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's only passed out."

We turned around to see a tall figure approaching us from behind.



They seemed to glare at each other, causing a tense atmosphere, but knowing them, you knew it was just a ruse. They couldn't miss each other more. Just then you felt a spell had been casted on the prison. 'Really? How weak. A for effort though,' you criticized the Holy Knights' futile attempt to lock you guys inside.

"Why am I getting a nasty vibe right after they've been reunited? I've got a bad feeling about this..." Hawk started to have tiny droplets of sweat run down the pink sink.

"And you're right to. You should hide behind (Y/N) or me," Diane back away as you and Haw did too.

"Come here, Porky. I got you." You held out your arms with a smile on your face as Hawk jumped into them. He almost forgot that you called him Porky due to that deceiving "kind" smile you sent to him.

"Hey! It's not Porky! It's Hawk!" Porky complained, only to fall on deaf ears.


"Captain!" They cheered each others name and raced towards each other, as if they were in love with each other. They vehemently gave one another series of high-fives with the most joy they had throughout the day.

"What the hell? It's like they're best friends!" You and Diane only hummed back in response. "You don't have to hold me anymore, (Y/N)."

"Just wait for it..." you said ominously.


Just then Ban struck Meliodas's abdomen and sent him flying through the stone walls, only to have Meliodas do the same to him. Hawk was reasonably flabbergasted at this sight.

"Just roll with it," you and Diane said flatly in unison after seeing Hawk's confused expression.

"What the hell, man? I thought you'd gone soft..."

"But you're spry as ever!"



They got into position for an arm wrestle. As soon as the game had begun, the ground beneath them had started to crack up and turn into debris. The walls closed in on themselves and more destruction and dust started to form everywhere.

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