Chapter 25

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After realizing the new lurking threat that bounded to be stronger than anything you've seen before, you needed to be stronger. No, what you really needed to do was finally stop acting weak and there's only one obvious person who could get you your power back.

"Merlin, I need your help." You entered her small, castle-like workshop with a dusty, old book in your hand. You headed toward her as she worked on some mysterious object, ignoring all the strange items scattered around her tabletops.

"What a surprise. You haven't come to me for help in a while, so what can I do for you, (Y/n)?" Merlin finished her workings and looked up to you, curious to know what you could possibly need help with.

"I need my power back, Merlin. I think it's time I deal with the power that I was born with," you said sternly. Merlin slightly smile, proud that you were finally owning up to being what you inevitably were — a monster of nature.

"That's a big step, (Y/n).  I locked up almost half of your power away for years like you asked. Taking all of that power in at once won't be easy, you know that, (Y/n). So are you sure you really want to do this?" Of course Merlin knew you were sure. You weren't the same nephlim she and Meliodas met years ago when they formed the Deadly Eight. 


Meliodas and Merlin had just finished recruiting all the seven members of the soon to be legendary Seven Deadly Sins  and now they just needed to visit one more person that was foretold to be one of the saviors of the Liones kingdom alongside the sins. Upon approaching the country village that was believed to be home of  the one and only nephlim, Merlin and Meliodas could only sigh at the lack of clues this village offered. This village you called home for years after leaving the goddesses was not the friendliest. At the sight of the two unknown Holy Knights, the villagers glared at them as if they were trespassing. Sighing at this attitude, they knew they just had to find this mysterious (Y/n) (L/n) by themselves.

"Merlin, how's that compass working?" Meliodas asked as Merlin tried using a magical compass to help find you.

"It's not working, Captain. It keeps spinning in every direction. It seems like she doesn't want to be found." Merlin sighed at how much work you were making them do. 

"Well, I guess we just have to find her the good ole fashion way!" Meliodas chirped beside Merlin. Soon minutes turned to hours as the duo went from home to home asking for a (Y/n) (L/n), only to get the door slammed in their faces.

"Captain, this is getting us nowhere. All of these villagers are shutting their doors at the sight of us. Let's just force someone to tell us." Merlin was getting annoyed by the second, irritated that you made them go through this humiliation.

"Now, now, Merlin. All of our hard work has paid off! I think I just found our (Y/n) (L/n)!" Meliodas  and Merlin looked over in the the distance at a (h/c) girl who was hanging up laundry sheets on a wire. To anyone else it was not something that should be thought twice about, but as soon as Meliodas and you locked eyes, he just knew you were the one he was looking for. "Hello there! Are you (Y/n) (L/n)?" Meliodas's  smile was only met with your blank, uncaring expression.

"Why?" you finally spoke as you scanned the two strangers. As soon as the started walking your direction, you could already feel their strength. You knew these two weren't just any normal travelers. 

"We were looking for you because we have an offer for you and we're pretty sure you're going to like it," Meliodas answered.

"I never said I was her."

"It's hard to miss such a powerful nephlim with power suppressant rings," Merlin said referring the two golden leaf rings resting on your fingers. You were now more tense, realizing that these two knew that you were a monster. 

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