Chapter 9

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1100 Years Ago

"Hey! Hey! (Y/N)! Guess what!"

"What?" she said boringly as she looked up from her spell book.

"I finally made it!" the boy jumped excitedly.

"Made what?" The girl's focus was now fully on the tall, masculine boy  standing in front of her.

"The rings! After 1800 years, I can finally fulfill my promise you!" he declared confidently as he brought out the two rings he was hiding behind his back (Picture).

(Y/N) sat up from her laying position on the thin, red picnic towel under her favorite sakura tree in the vast grove. She put her book aside and patted the seat beside her. He happily plot down beside her, looking at her with proud, starry eyes. 

"Lemme see!" she said eagerly, getting more excited the more he waited to show her.

"Here's yours!" He pinched the gold, diamond leafed ring in between his first two fingers as she plucked it out of his hands, examining every part of it.

"Wow, Oikawa! It looks great! But why didn't you ask me to help you for the last 1000 years?  It was just a measly promise we made when we were just kids, y'know?"  she asked curiously, wondering why he followed through with the childish promise they made many centuries ago.

"A promise is a promise! I promised that I would make you mine with a ring just like how the strange humans do!"

"Do you even know exactly what the rings are supposed to mean?" 

"Uhh..." He chuckled nervously, thinking about whether or not to tell her that the rings show  a sign of love and affection between the wearers. "...It just means that we are really good friends!" he lied shamelessly. 'Well, a little white lie won't do much harm. I'll make her mine anyways!'  he assured himself mentally.

"Okay! Let's put it on!" She easily believed his lie without a doubt and was about to put on the ring on her (right/left) hand's pointer finger until Oikawa let out a shriek.

"Not yet!" he panicked.


"L-Let me put it on for you and you put it on me!" he stuttered out embarrassedly.

"Sure! Here you go!" The clueless Nephilim didn't even think twice about his flushed face or stuttering. She was completely blind to his feelings, but nonetheless, she felt strong pulls of affection toward him as well. She just did a better job at hiding it compared to him.

The chocolate haired boy gently placed the intricate gold ring around her finger, smiling softly to himself as he admired how his creation fit perfectly around her finger. The (H/C) haired girl placed the boy's identical ring around his pointer finger as well, feeling elated from their newly made symbol of friendship.

"Now we'll be together forever as long as we have these!"


"Ban? Are you okay?" you asked as you sat up in a sitting position on the bed you and Ban shared.

"Yea—" he started, but was interrupted by a bottle of ale falling on his face. He only yawned back in response.

"Sorry if I took up the space," you apologized sincerely as you rolled to the other side too look at him.

"No, it's okay. It wasn't you... it was just..." he trailed off in melancholy.

"Bad dream?" you finished. He gave you a nod in response. You rolled onto the floor along with the blanket as you laid beside him, draping the blanket over both you. "I can help you with that if you want to dream walk with me," you said softly, just above a whisper. You looked at him straight in the eye, making sure that he got the message that you were concerned about him.

Ruthless (Seven Deadly Sins X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora