Chapter 26

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"Can we take a break now, Merlin?" you sighed as you closed the grimore. The two of us had been working on spells, well mostly you practicing and her just criticizing every mistake you made, but it was about  lunch time already and you could already feel your stomach beginning to grumble. "Wanna go get something to eat together?" you asked, already heading towards the entrance of her lab.

"Oh? Asking me out instead of practicing I see," she hummed teasingly, "But I'm fine as of the moment. However, I'll be more than glad to accompany you next time, (Y/n)." She declined, knowing that she would have more visitors very soon.

"Okay then Merlin, be like that," you chuckled back sarcastically before opening the wooden door. As ypu opened the door, a familiar pink blocked your view instead. "Oh hey, Gowther! Are you here to see Merlin too?"

"Yes. Now will you excuse me, I am in a rush currently. Let's talk some other time," Gowther brushed past me, closing the door. You couldn't help but sigh to yourself. Even after some time with him, his blunt personality still seems to catch you off guard. 'Could it be he also has mood swings? Well, I can worry about that some other time,'  you dismissed quickly.

As Gowther basically shut the door in your face, he sighed to himself in slight annoyance and disappointment. '(Y/n) could've perfect for my experiment for love. She was the one I wanted initially, but she's too strong for my manipulation. Well, it's no matter. Guila is an competent replacement anyways,' Gowther mulled internally.

You continued walking towards town, heading to the nearest cafe, before spotting a familiar short mop of yellow hair. "Hey, Meliodas. Are you heading to town too?" you asked as you made your way over to him.

"Yo, (Y/n)! I'm gonna see Merlin," he smiled.

"Hm, you too? Well, she's pretty busy today. What do you wanna see her about?"

"Didn't you come to her today for the same reason? She still has our powers locked up and we'll need them to fight those monsters," his face darkened quickly before reverted back to his usual go-lucky expression, "Right, (Y/n)?"

"Yeah.." Your mind wandered off once the thought of using the full extent of your powers to fight the Commandments interrupted your previous thoughts. You hated to admit it but... you were scared. No, not because of the commandments. But because it's been many years since you last used your actual abilities that you knew were terrifyingly more powerful than the cute little parlor tricks you've been doing all this time. 

However, it was more than that. You weren't just worried about yourself and the other people around you, but Meliodas specifically. Once he got Lostvayne back and his powers, what would happen when you guys actually fight the commandments? Would he lose control and join the demon clan again? What if he actually did and you had to fight him? 'No. Don't think like that.'  You know he wouldn't. He told you those things because he knew you'd still care about him regardless. 'Don't betray his trust and think of him in such a way now!'  Despite naturally being from his enemy clan, Meliodas had always trusted you with his secrets and most importantly, his emotions. So you knew how he felt about the return of the commandments and the precious trust the Sins had built in one another throughout their work. You sighed, chastising yourself mentally for ever doubting his loyalty to the Sins—to you.

"Hey. I know what your thinking, okay?" Meliodas had taken a step closer to you, bringing his hand up to your cheek. He gently tilting your head to look him in the eyes as you didn't even realize you had been looking down this whole time. You made a noise of confusion as his touch made your skin more sensitive to his warmth. "Don't worry, (y/n). I'll be there for you even if your powers get out of hand. I'll bring you back—no matter what! And don't worry about me. I'll be fine, I swear. Trust me" He smiled widely, adding on to his persuasion.

Ruthless (Seven Deadly Sins X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang