10 surprising facts about Mexico

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A/N- Before I start, I just want to say that I mean no offence to anyone from Mexico. These are just some things that I found out and wanted to share them.

1. Mexican law recognizes 68 official indigenous languages in the country, even though Spanish is the language used for most commercial and all governmental business.

2. Mexican Spanish has more Arabic words than Spain's Spanish. This is because after the colonialization of Mexico by the Spaniards, Spanish in the Old Country underwent an evolution that involved ridding the language of Arabic influence, which the Spanish looked down upon at the time. But the Spanish spoken in Mexico retained this influence and can be seen today in their distinct use of worlds like alberca (pool), almohada (pillow) and Ojalá (which translates roughly to "I hope so" or "if god wills it").

3. Mexico is home to the third highest peak in North America, the Pico de Orizaba.

4. Colour TV was invented in Mexico. Guillermo González Camarena was an inventor who created the chromoscopic adapter for television equipment, which was an early color tv tranmission system. The year was 1942 and he was only 17! 

5. Mexico City is sinking at a rate of about 10 inches a year as the city pumps draw water from the lake that supports it. In fact, it has sunk so much that it lost its title as the 7th highest capital city in the world to Yemen and now sits at #8.

6. Many believe the oldest city in North America is St. Augustine, but Mexico City was actually founded a little over 40 years before it in 1521. The city was built by the Spaniards on the ancient ruins of the Aztec city of Tenochtitlán.

7. Mexico is home to the world's smallest volcano! The Cuexcomate Volcano sits just outside the city of Puebla and stands a cute 43 feet tall. Cuexcomate isn't even half the height of the Statue of Liberty.

8. The pyramid of Cholula in the Mexican Federal State Puebla happens to be the largest pyramid in the world.

9.  Mexico is the country with the largest number of taxi cabs in the world. 60,000 registered taxis, to be precise. 

10. The meteorite that wiped out dinosaurs struck Mexico. 


Hope you liked this chapter. If you're from Mexico, or live there, put a little 🙋‍♀️or🙋‍♂️ in the comments.

I'm going to do a series of 10 countries just like this one. Tell me which country to do next in the comments!


If you have any feedback or suggestions that I could use to make this book better, feel free to message me with them!

Stay safe :)

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