10 crazy facts about Greece

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A/N- Before I start, I just want to say that I mean no offence to anyone from Greece. These are just some things that I found out and wanted to share them.

1. Greece has the lowest divorce rate in Europe, on the other hand, they have the highest rate of abortion in Europe.

2. Greece's official name is the Hellenic Republic. It is known as Hellas or Ellada. 

3. The word tragedy is actually Greek for "goat-song."

It doesn't mean that tragedies were about goats in Ancient Greece, but were simply named as such to honor the Greek god Dionysus (the god of wine).

4. Greeks find an open-palm kind of salutation insulting.
Instead, they greet others with a closed palm, so when in doubt, fist bump.

5. Don't be offended if they complement you, then spit at you.
This is only to ward off receiving the compliment from the evil eye — they really do mean it.

6. Your birthday in Greece isn't really that big of a deal.
The feast day of the saint whose name you have is a bigger celebration day.

7. Even though they have stereotypes of being kind of short, the Greeks measure as some of the tallest in the world.
They land at number eight on the list, ahead of even the United States.

8. Greece is the only country in the world that has double the number of tourists in respect to its actual population that come to visit annually.

9. Greece houses the most number of archaeological museums in the world.

10. It's an actual law that you can't wear shoes that could damage historic sites like the Parthenon — think high heels.


Hope you liked this chapter. If you're from Greece, or live there, put a little 🙋‍♀️or🙋‍♂️ in the comments.

I'm really really sorry for not updating sooner. As compensation, I'm going to do 3 chapters today. This is the first

If you have any feedback or suggestions that I could use to make this book better, feel free to message me with them!

Stay safe :)

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