So many coronavirus jokes, it's a pundemic!

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A/N- Coronavirus is a serious problem, please don't take it lightly. Take all necessary precautions and keep yourself safe. These jokes are to make quarantine a little bit easier, not to say that this virus is not dangerous.

1. Why do they call it the novel coronavirus? It's a long story....

2. You know what they're saying about 2020. It went viral faster than anyone thought it would.

3. Back in my day, you would cough to cover up a fart. Now, with COVID-19, you fart to cover up a cough.

4. Why don't chefs find coronavirus jokes funny? They're in bad taste.

5. I'll tell you a coronavirus joke now, but you'll have to wait two weeks to see if you got it.

6. Finland just closed its borders. You know what that means. No one will be crossing the finnish line.

7. What do you tell yourself when you wake up late for work and realize you have a fever? Self, I so late.

8. Did you hear the joke about the germ? Never mind, I don't want to spread it around.

9. Why didn't the sick guy get the joke? It flu over his head.

10. What types of jokes are allowed during quarantine? Inside jokes!


Which one of these made you laugh just a little bit? Comment!

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Stay safe :)

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