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I was almost 7 months and Derek and i could still not agree on a name for our daughter. "What about daisy" he asked "no, it's sweet but it doesn't sound right" Meredith, Derek and Daisy. It just didn't sound right. "Brooke?" "Derek i'm not giving birth to a country singer" he sighed "Hey baby girl, your probably not going to have a name until your about 3 because your mommy doesn't like any of the names i have suggested" i rolled my eyes. "What about kate" Derek shook his head no "i'm the one carrying this child for 9 months and then pushing her out, i don't think men should have any say in what the baby's name is" Derek just kissed my forehead before switching of the bedside lamp and cuddling me.

I looked at the clock that read 3:12am. I thought of a name, a really pretty name, so i violently shook Derek to wake him. "Meredith are you okay? is the baby okay" he sat up switching on the light. "We're both fine, i have a name" he looked confused, and slightly annoyed. "Ella" he looked into my eyes, a huge grin plastered across his face. "I love it, Ella" he exclaimed, as i giggled. "Ella Marie Grey-Shepherd" he pulled me into his embrace before putting both hands on my stomach and whispering. "Hey Ella, we can't wait to meet you in a few months".

I woke up, the bed was empty and there was a note on the table, "got called into surgery, i'll see you later. i love you". I got up, eating breakfast before taking a shower and heading off to work.

"Meredith, hey, i'm sorry i didn't get to see you this morning" he kissed me softly. "It's okay, i just scrubbed in on a surgery with Hahn, Ella wouldn't stop kicking". He ran his hand down my arm reassuringly, "we have ourselves a future soccer player" we laughed, just as he got paged to the ER. He kissed me goodbye before i went to eat lunch with Cristina.

"Mer how did your surgery with Hahn go? She's amazing isn't she" she bellowed "Yes it was great". "So how's my goddaughter? Does she have a name yet?" We sat down in the cafeteria with Alex, George and Izzie to talk. "We picked out a name, and a middle name" i said proudly. Izzie was quick to but in, "Ooo tell us Mer" I shook my head laughing. "Okay if you promise to keep it a secret i'll tell you her name" they all promised. "Her name will be Ella Marie Grey-Shepherd" I rubbed my hands over my belly and looked up at my friends "that's a wonderful name" Izzie said, looking emotional. "Ella, it's pretty" the rest of them agreed.

I got home at about 8, and cooked pasta as i waited for Derek to get home. I heard the door open and went to say hi. He looked guilty, like he was about to tell me something that would make me mad. "What is it, you look at me like i'm about to tell you off" He grabbed my hands and sat me down on the sofa. "My mother is coming" it took me a minute to process, in all honesty i knew i would have to meet her someday, it had just slipped my mind completely. "When" i asked "next week, she's coming down from New York, she really wants to meet you Mer, and she knows we're having a baby". Crap, i forgot how it was going to look. An intern slept with her boss, got pregnant and now they were living together, about to have a baby. "Ok we'll be fine" i stated calmly. "Your not mad" he asked "i'm not mad".

We got up to eat dinner, for some reason i craved spaghetti, with peanut butter and Nutella. Derek looked at me like i had just killed someone. "Your not seriously going to eat that Mer, that's not even food" i rolled my eyes and ate the spaghetti.

We finished eating, i was washing my face, while Derek was cleaning up downstairs. "Ouch" i grabbed my stomach as i felt an uncomfortable weird cramping feeling. I panicked, Ella needed to stay in their for 2 more months, we were ready, i wasn't ready. I finished washing my face, laying down in bead i read one of the many books Derek bought about pregnancy. He probably knew more than i did. It was sweet how much he cared. After reading for half an hour, i concluded that it was braxton hicks.

After feeling reassured that everything was okay. I tried to get to sleep, but Ella had other plans. That girl would not stop kicking.

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