what does it say

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I turned it over, just wanting to rip off the bandaid, i turned them all over to face me, the first one had the word "pregnant" written in bold across the tiny screen, the other ones had two faint lines across them, meaning i was in fact, carrying another baby. "Crap" was all i said before i sank down to the floor, i felt panicked, i wanted this, but not so soon. I sat their sobbing while Cristina sat hugging my side. "Hey mer it's going to be okay" she grabbed my hand tightly. Apparently god hated me, because at the worlds worst time Derek walked into the bathroom "why the hell are you both on the bathroom floor, wait mer why are you crying what's wrong" he was concerned "Derek, please" i sobbed as he pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me. It wasn't that i was distraught by the fact i was having another baby, it was just overwhelming and a lot to take in. "Cristina what's wrong with her" he asked her, wanting to know why i was in such a state. Cristina grabbed one of the plastic sticks and handed it to him, before leaving the bathroom to give us some privacy. "Meredith... you're, you-" he kissed my hair, "were having another baby, i'm sorry it's so soon but it's a good thing i promise" he told me. "Yeah i know" i managed to get out once i had calmed down.

Later that night i was exhausted, i had told the chief i needed a couple of days to sort something out. Derek and i had a long conversation about it, and i decided to have the baby, it was soon, but we always wanted more kids, and life didn't always let you plan everything according to time. Life was messy, but despite being completely overwhelmed, i loved mine.

This is short but i didn't want to leave you wondering, so i'll write more tomorrow goodnight, thanks for reading <3 (also it's the 12th Jan so it's Patrick Dempsey's birthday tomorrow)

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