0.5 | Elastic Heart

Start from the beginning

"Just go to sleep. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Melissa replied monotone shocking Sienna.

She expected to be yelled at until her ears bled and honesty she would prefer that right now, because it made the feeling in her stomach increase making her think it was guilt a nearly foreign feeling to her.

Slowly, Sienna walked stiffly from her mother gently reaching the steps that led to her 'room'. Melissa's nose scrunched up when she caught the scent of Sienna, her eyes widening in shock because she was foreign to this behaviour. Scott was always so well behaved not that she's judging Sienna but their father would be one to be blamed though.

"Do I smell alcohol?"

When Sienna stumbled on the steps Melissa's question was immediately answered but she didn't bother to say anything knowing right now it was just useless for the both of them.

Sienna couldn't feel anymore terrible when she reached her room. She hadn't even noticed the trembling of her lips until tears race down her cheeks instantly wiping them off roughly. Sienna didn't cry especially if the reason revolved around her she hated feeling sorry for herself, and she wasn't going to start caring now. Falling on to her bed Sienna tried to do anything to make her mind forget the event that had just occurred.

It's when her mind trailed off to the graveyard boy that she met at the cemetery, since she didn't know his name she had mentally decided to keep it as Graveyard Boy. She couldn't help but realise how wrong he was though, she wasn't looking for attention in fact she didn't care and no matter what she would always disappoint people.


Even as abnormally weird Sienna life was, she didn't expect this to be on the list.

Sienna did not expect to wake up furiously choking on water that rushed out of her mouth continuously. At first they were small coughs that wracked her body until it suddenly felt like she was drowning and rush of water rushed out of her throat. Her eyes received glimpses of being underwater but as far as she knew she was still in her bed.

Her brown eyes widen as she stared at the sketches that once again painted her floors. She could barely stand up from her seating position, her body shaking furiously. Once she felt herself calm down and the coughing had stopped, she waited a minute in case it came back but nothing else happened.

It was about five in the morning when Scott ran up the stairs of his home in confusion; he had just woken up in his neighbour's pool and with no recollection of ever even getting out of bed. The man who was up early watering his grass was just as confused as Scott when he saw him in his pool. Scott couldn't explain to him even if he wanted to, all he could quickly muster was how he sometimes liked to go for a morning swim but it didn't explain why he also remembered walking through the woods only to wake up in the pool.

Conflicted, Scott didn't register his movement as he bumped into a dark figure. He was just in his underwear which was what he slept in and soaking wet, so he was furiously cold right now.

"Sorry." Scott heard someone mutter making his brows furrow together wondering who would be awake at this time.

"Sienna? What are you doing?" Scott couldn't help but smile that she was indeed back; he was terrified when she went missing like that but he knew she was going to come back.

"Why are you all wet, did you go for a swim or something?" Sienna chuckled discarding his questions whilst Scott chuckled back nervously still uncomfortable by the way she always guessed accurately. He was still confused about how she knew he was in the woods with Stiles that night.

"Um something like that, I probably slept walked." Scott answered nervously.

Sienna tilted her head as his eyebrows rose in disbelief. "You slept walked into our neighbours' pool."

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