Chapter 28

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"Warren!" I shouted, my voice echoing in the dark night. My head quickly turned from left to right, as my eyes scanned the area for the short and small figure.

"Warren!" Seung Min shouted in his accent. He had the same worried look on his face and I appreciated his worry, but as I was even more worried I wasn't in the mood to show any gratitude.

I rubbed my palm against my forehead with frustration, as the other hand rested on my hip. "Where is he?"

Seung Min looked down with concentration, as he tapped his finger on his lips. "The shop!"

We both began to quickly run back to the shop which wasn't too far. As we ran, I reached my hand into my pocket to grab my phone. I called up dad's phone and impatiently waited as the phone beeped.

"Hello?" Dad's voice trailed through the line.

"Dad! Come quickly to the grocery near our house! Warren's missing!" I stuffed all the brief information really quickly.

"Wha--" I hung up as Seung Min and I ran into the store, asking staff and customers if they had seen Warren. Even though we looked through the aisles there were no signs of Warren.

Seung Min and I walked outside with shame. On top of that, I felt a heavy weight of fear, as I freaked out even more. I shut my eyes tight, not realizing that I was overthinking. I pressed both my hands onto my head, as I slowly walked around in an uneven circle.

"Anna, don't get too worried abou--"

"How can I not be worried about this? This is my brother we're talkinga about; my little brother who probably is kidnapped or something!" I snapped, my eyes widened and my hands dropping off my head. I blinked a few times, feeling tears coming. "It might be like the whole Jenna thing again..."

Seung Min sighed and laid his hand on my shoulder. "Anna, please, don't think like that."

I hung my head with disappointment in myself and shook my head. I folded my arms, not having any idea of what to do next.

"Anna!" Mum's voice became audible. Mum and dad ran to us with looks of horror and worry. Without thinking, I ran to them and fell into their arms.

"It's my fault...I should've been more careful!" I began to softly sob in their ears. Mum's hand stroked my head, as I let my tears soak onto her sleeve. I broke the hug and wiped my tears away.

"Okay, just stay calm everyone." Dad pointed out, evening out his breathing. "We'll split. Mum will check back home to see if Warren went back. Anna and Seung Min look around this area, especially the parking lot. I'll go to the otherside of the shop to see if Warren wandered off."

We all obeyed his orders with nods before running off to our given area. Seung Min and I ran to the parking lot, bobbing our heads here and there in between cars. Warren was a brilliant hider, knowing as I played a few games of hide-and-seek with him at times. It would take me at least fifteen minutes to find the little guy around the house. Comparing my house to the size of the wide parking area with many parked cars was not a good sight.

I poked my head up to see if Seung Min was still around helping me. He had his thoughtful look on as he gazed out to the bushes next to the exiting road.

"Wait here, I'm going to see if he's in there." Seung Min pointed to the bushes and sprinted into the darkness.

My eyes widened, sighting the dark and rustly bushes. Why on earth would Warren be hiding in there?

"Be careful!" I worriedly shouted to him before he disappeared. I bit my lip with anxiety and even more worry. What if I lose both of them?

The Eyelash Wish - Starring B1A4's BaroUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum