Kaden brings his gaze that was on Daniel, to me. He scoffs, "looks like you moved on quick."

"You're one to talk. You didn't even need to move on from me to fuck another girl. I bet that after this, you'll come crawling back in between Pamela's fishy ass legs. And we're not together at all. He's my cousin's boyfriend's son, which isn't any of your business at all seeing that you're not my friend, boyfriend, or my anything," I snap back from his stupid assumption.

He's still standing in my front door with a blank expression, and his emotionally sad face has vanished along with the teary eyes.

"What the hell are you still doing here!?" I say impatiently for him to leave.

"I love you and I always will, never forget that," he says as he leaves my front doorstep and trudged to his car.

Before he got in, I raise my voice to him so he could hear the next words that came out of my mouth. "Yeah I loved you too. And if you truly loved me, you wouldn't have slept with other girls you manwhore."

I shut the door and turn around to see a no longer angry Daniel, but a Daniel with a soft, sympathetic expression. He steps forward and was about to say something before I jump into his arms, in need of a hug.

I was sobbing extremely hard. I don't know if it's the fact that I said goodbye for good to the person I really truly loved or because it hit me once again that he cheated on me for god knows how long. Or both. I know that it wasn't a new topic, him cheating on me, but it still painfully hurt when it hits me all over and over again. He cheated on me.

As much as I hated it, he was a great boyfriend aside from the part where he cheated. He was my first love, first boyfriend, my first kiss. He was very adventurous and would bring me out all the time. He changed something about me which was how I barely went out. That changed when I met him. He also was a very caring boyfriend. I remember how I was sick one whole school week and he chose to stay with me the whole week and not bothering to go to school.

Anyways, my times with him are just not valuable to me anymore. I picked it all up and put it in my trash. Just like how I always do with my problems.

Daniel and I were there in each other's arms in silence for, I don't know how long, but I do know we were there for quite a while. I'm just really glad that I got the hug that I never knew I needed so badly.

I'm also really glad he wasn't suffocating me with questions because I just didn't want to talk right now, just poor all these emotions out with tears.

I pulled away and said "thank you for giving me a shoulder to cry on, or not really a shoulder but a chest," I chuckled, "and a hug that I never thought I would need."

"Awe wow never thought I'd hear anything nice from you. Or well actually I knew you would cause you just can't help but flirt can't ya," he says with a wink, joking to lighten up the mood which he had successfully done.

I playfully smack his arm and put a genuine small smile on my face. "Shutup, I don't flirt especially to you. Ugh disgusting."

"Whatever you say, but the next time you try to flirt, keep in mind that I have a girlfriend."

I give him a deadly glare and threaten, "if you keep saying that I flirt with you or just flirt in general, those will be your last words before waking up in hell."

He puts his hands up, "okay okay sorry there Ms. Scary," his tone filled with sarcasm.

Ugh. Boys.

"Yeah whatever, let's go in the living room before everyone starts wondering where we are," I say wiping the tears off my face.

He pulls me back to him by my arm before I could walk away into the living room. "Oh and by the way, we all heard your conversation with Mr. Dickhead which was why I went here, so be prepared for a bloody load of questions."

"Heard everything!! Like everything everything? Like the first words to the last everything?" I panic.

I don't want to answer questions right now, I'm just not in the mood for it after what just happened. I just want to watch a movie and munch on a bunch of food to forget what just happened.

"Yes, everything. You weren't as quiet as you thought."

"Ugh okay. Let's just go to get the questions over with and watch the movie," I sigh.

As we enter the living room everyone's eyes landed on me except for John who was on the ground where Daniel was at earlier and he had earphones on. They probably gave it to him so he wouldn't hear what was happening.

"Hey hon, so you have a choice. Choose wisely," my mom says.

Choice? Choice for what?

I just nod my head motioning for her to continue.

Riv then speaks up, "we had decided to ask you" oh here comes the questions "if you wanted to still watch the movie or if you wanted to have some girl talk and screaming too, to get out that pent up emotion in you."

Awww that was so sweet of them. Not asking me questions about what happened but just to ask me what I wanted to do.

"Girl talk? You do know that there are guys here, Lachlan and John," I say excluding Daniel from the names of guys in this room.

"Hey I'm a guy too!" Daniel says fake offended.

"I wanna watch a movie," I say. I get on the couch where I was sitting earlier and grab the remote.

"Please don't be Sixt-" Daniel complains but I interrupt,

"Sixteen Candles is what we'll be watching for tonight now get your butt on the futon next to John and get comfy."

He sits on the futon with his back resting on the couch just a foot away from me. He was on my left and so was John, who was on Daniel's right.

I bend down to the futon and take off John's earphones. "You can take these off now, Johnny. We'll be watching the movie now."

"Okay Belly, what movie are we watching?" he questions.

Before I can say something, Daniel answers his question "Sixteen Candles" he says in a pained voice.

Yeah, little girl. And you will have to deal with it. Hehe.

"What's Sixteen Candles?" he questions.

I know he'll complain just like ms Daniella over here if I say it's a romance movie because he isn't much of a fan of romance movies. He's more into the action type.

"It's an action movie, just watch and you'll see," I lied.

"No it isn-" Daniel says before I smack him on the back of his head so he won't reveal that it's actually a romance.

"Ouch," he complained in 'pain'

It wasn't even that hard. Such a softie.

Lachlan turned off the lights and I pressed the play button on the remote to start the movie. Can't wait to see you my dear Jake Ryan. Oh how much I've missed you.

Author's Note:

Okay, so I have been debating on whether or not I should do questions of the day or stuff like that.

Do you think it's a good idea or not?

Oh well, since I have gotten no replies yet, I guess I'll do it. :)


Have you watched Sixteen Candles? And if so, how would you rate the movie from 1-10?

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