"Ah, I'll be just a second. I just need to apply sun cream," Alya responded, rummaging around in her bag. I turn to head towards the water, but notice Adrien sitting alone on his towel under an umbrella. I wonder over to make sure he is okay, noticing something off with the expression on his face.

"Hey Adrien, you feeling okay?" I said, kneeling down to his level.

"Oh, Marinette. I'm fine- just thought I would relax here for a little bit. I'll join in later," he said sweetly, his lovely smile portrayed on his face. I give him a pat on the shoulder, and began to head towards the water. 

"By the way- love the swimsuit," Adrien said, clearly holding in a laugh. I pout and shoot a bit of a glare back. Knowing he is Chat makes this so much harder. I look down at my Chat Noir based swimsuit. It was black and green, of course. It even came with a little extra piece of thin cloth that wrapped around my waist, black little paws contrasting against the green fabric. 

"Well- it was on sale. It's not like I'm a huge fan or anything," I said rolling my eyes playfully.

"Is that so? But, I've heard you've had many encounters with the charmer himself," Adrien snickered raising his eyebrows. 

This guy- I thought to myself. Calling himself a little charmer. If only he knew I found out. I begin stomping off into the water, unable to deal with the fact my own partner was tormenting me for a change.

"Oh- Miss Kitty! Come back, come back. I didn't mean to hurt you feelings~" He whined a little. Chat usually wouldn't have it his way, but there wasn't much I could do as Marinette. I sulked back towards him, hand on my hips waiting for what he had to say. If this little bug has to put up with another snarky remark, I'll drown him.

"Hm, how about a photo? You wouldn't want to forget your first beach day, right?" He says taking out a phone. At this point, I just agreed- wanting to swim and retreat from his Chat Noir of an ego. "Here, hold this-" he said again as he handed me Nino's peach coloured floaty. I took it, slung it around my shoulder and formed a grumpy look on my face.

"Purrfect," Adrien said, mocking me in my swimsuit playfully.

"Well, if that's it, I'm leaving now. Hmph," I declared feeling defeated, marching my way down to the water, my face heating up.

"Okay, okay. But if you're going in now I suggest you put some sun cream on right meow, you're looking a little burnt!" He shouted as I made my way down the beach, which I chose to ignore. I clasped my hands over my red cheeks. The sun is hot, I'm probably getting really burnt. I shake it off and walk into the water, the coolness instantly relieving my skin. I float on my back looking up at the cloudy sky, feeling as though I'm dreaming in some kind of paradise. Not longer after, I'm forcefully pushed underwater, surprising me a little. I quickly kick off the sand bed and put my head above the surface. 

"Wah- Alya, you scared me," I said to my giggling friend.

"I couldn't help it. And I had to come get you. Look around! You're drifting out to sea," she said. I look around and notice that I had definitely moved quite far in the last few minutes, it was rather alarming. We swam back to shore, struggling a little against the current but eventually making it back. 

"Couldn't help but notice that cute moment between you and Adrien back there, Mari," Alya said nudging me in the ribs. I was getting sick of hearing her say that. Chat- Adrien rather, has a soulmate. He received his tattoo, and so did I. I'm not fated to be with him- it shouldn't hurt, but despite, everything it still does. And that's that. 

Tattoos ➳ 𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓾𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓼  𝓢𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓮  𝓐𝓤Where stories live. Discover now