Expedition for bathers

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The blonde haired boy successfully made it into the shopping mall, his body guard agreeing to wait in the parking lot. He couldn't believe he was really allowed to be left alone, to a certain degree, able to shop for his school trip. The only problem now was that he didn't know where he was going. Being accompanied by his body guards so often, he rarely had to take notice of his whereabouts. Now, he found himself in bit of a sticky situation. Pulling his soft, baby blue coloured hood over his head, he began to stroll around in search for a bathing suit. 

He wondered hopelessly into shops, somehow ending up in the food-court, even passing his starting point a few times. Along the way, he had bought a few light, long sleeved shirts, hoping Australia wasn't as hot as it sounded. Crossing off the items on his travel list one-by-one, he had everything he needed for the trip but his bathing suit. A sudden movement came from one of the few shopping bags he held in his hand, so he leant his head down a little towards it.

"Kid, I thought you said you weren't going to go swimming. You even threw a dramatic tantrum over it," the small, black kwami said from within the depths of the shopping bag.

"I know, Plagg. I know. It's just- everyone is going to be at the beach having fun. It'll be worse if I don't join. I can wear a swim shirt, with long sleeves hopefully," Adrien said. The kwami didn't respond after that, feeling deeply sorry for the boy and his situation. If only he was more observant, he would finally realise that-

"Plagg, look! Its Alya and Marinette," Adrien whisper shouted to the shopping bag, ending Plagg's thoughts. 

"Well, go over and say hi. Seems like they're here for the same reason you are," Plagg sighed, pointing to the group of girls.

"Are you kidding? There are too many of them. They brought all there friends too," the boy exclaimed gesturing towards the group. 

"You know how it is, girls travel in packs," the kwami said, but Adrien ignored his last statement and casually began heading near there direction. 

"And what do you think you're doing?" Plagg said slyly nudging the boy from inside the bag. 

"Well, it doesn't look like the have any branded shopping bags yet, so if they're here looking for swim-wear, they'll lead me to a store," Adrien said with great determination. 

"You're a weird one, kid. Whatever. If you get caught looking like you're spying on a bunch of teenage girls, I was never involved," Plagg said before finally ducking back into the bag. Adrien thought it did sound strange when Plagg put it that way, but truly he was just trying to buy some swim wear. Sure, it was strange that he had to follow them around to get to that point, but he felt somewhat overwhelmed seeing all of them walking around together, though he talked to them fine everyday at school.

The boy casually headed their direction for the next few minutes, making sure he pauses often before turning corner to make sure they are not too close. He watches them go in and out of multiple stores, including stores where items were not needed for the trip. They head into soap stores, perfume stores, and even stop for an ice-cream break. 

"Gah, this is really exhausting," the boy said taking a seat on a bench nearby. He checked the time, noticing he only had half an hour until he must head back to the parking lot. 

"You really are making a fool of yourself, ya know?" He heard from his bag, startling him a little. 

"Plagg, quiet down! Warn me next time. It's not foolish by the way- I'm just making sure I had all the necessities for the trip, it's on the list," Adrien defended, pointing to the list Miss Bustier handed out.

"So you're using your friend's as a golden ticket to take you to a store?" Plagg retorted back playfully, clearly finding the whole situation amusing.

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