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Last night, I had stayed up with Chat until the sun became visible on the horizon. We talked all night until the stars could no longer be seen, even joked around a little. Well, he joked around, I tolerated it. I really appreciated spending a bit of time with Chat, especially because he needed it. The only problem now is that I'm stuck doing homework, late Sunday night due to the fact I slept until noon. With my body feeling dull and tired, I finally give up on the homework, glancing at the clock. 3:28am? Yikes. It might be a long Monday, I admitted to myself.

"Are you done now?" A yawning kwami came into view looking over at the mess on my desk.

"Barely touched the surface of it." I looked down at the mountains of homework and assessment I had to complete. Battling akumas really kept the work at bay, I considered. Then again, majority of it would have to do with procrastinating. I definitely put the pro in procrastination, that's for sure.

"You can't keep pushing yourself Marinette. You need to care for you mind and body."

"Eehhghmn." That was the sound of agreement.

I follow Tikki, and plop down onto my cosy, snug bed. The moment my head collided with the pillow, I fell into darkness.

"Marinette? Are you still up there? You're going to be late for school," I ignored her mother calling from downstairs. I continued to sleep, a small kwami shifting beside me, stretching.

"Woah- Marinette! Wake up, school starts in 6 minutes!" I sit up, rubbing my eyes groaning.


"School! 6 minutes, get moving!" Suddenly, my jaw drops as Tikki spoke. I curse, crawling out of bed like a hyper-active zombie and tearing the closet apart to find some fresh clothes- simple red boots to match a cherry red scarf and a long-sleeved shirt with dark jeans. Sprinting downstairs, I grab an apple. Where's my bag? I thought in a panic. In my purse, Tikki pulls herself in a certain direction, leading me to my bag. I can't believe I slept in. Stupid homework.

I sprint into the class. Ms Mendeleiev will not be happy about this. I look up at my science teacher, her spiky purple hair and small rectangle glasses that sat on her nose. The tattoo on her wrist was small but detailed. It was a geometric tattoo of a limp lily, deprived of all colour. I found it quite funny how her tattoo matched her personality in away, perhaps her soulmate was similar. 

"Miss Mendeleiev, I am so sorry. There was uh, traffic." The teacher only sighed, disappointment clear on her face.

"I can only take so many excuses Marinette! Without a late slip from your parents or evidence there was traffic, you'll have to stay after school for detention," her teacher declared, a look of satisfaction and fulfilment on her face. I felt the presence of someone behind me, turning around to find Adrien entering the classroom. Looks like he's back with his old habits of arriving late to school again. The few weeks he had been arriving earlier than me. What changed? As I turned around to face the boy, I noticed something different. He looked...happier? Almost like he found peace within himself. Adrien looked less dishevelled-not that he looked overly dishevelled to begin with. He looked more carefree and healthy. A smile was presented on his face, still looking a little tired. But it was a different type of tired. It wasn't a mentally exhausted and distraught type of tired, it just looks like he went to bed late. Maybe he had to catch up on some homework too, I considered.

"Adrien Agreste, your late again too? It's always you two," the teacher said glancing at the two of us standing in the doorway as if she was trying to decode a secret we were hiding.

Tattoos ➳ 𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓾𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓼  𝓢𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓮  𝓐𝓤Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu