Wash away the ink

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The boy let out an exasperated sigh as he dragged Ladybug away from the room where the disaster occurred, despite being injured himself. His brain was not functioning due to the overload of adrenaline and fear for his injured partner. All he knew was that he was angry. Angry with himself for being so useless that he couldn't be the one to save her. Down the hallway, two left turns and then a right, he stumbled upon a restroom- one that was not collapsed. 

Exhausted, he sat down, his legs practically giving out from being so strained. Now, the anger had ceased within him, only to be replaced by a new, stronger emotion. Guilt. Guilty because he had two people save him today, both Marinette and Ladybug. The two he considered closest to him, and yet he couldn't do anything but stand there when Ladybug was hit, or get crushed by a pile of rocks while Marinette pulled him from the rubble. 

The superheroine in front of him had a small stab wound, thankfully not appearing to have hit any vital organs. Nevertheless, it oozed blood and dark ink, which swirled, intertwined and combined together to form a currant red puddle on the floor. The boy knew it would heal fast due to the powers, but he continued to apply pressure, simply having to wait for her to regain energy and support from the miraculous. 

Chat Noir joined her at her side, where she lay slumped against the pale brick wall. He rested his eyes for just a moment, or at least what felt like a moment, before being interrupted by abrupt beeping.

What is that annoying sound, he thought squinting his eyes open to look around. Upon realisation, panic set in as he realised it was Ladybug's earrings flashing away. Crap.

He jumped to his feet and hastily gripped Ladybug from beneath her arms, dragging her into a stall. He propped her up against the wall, working fast as the beeping of her earing increased in speed. Quickly, he sprung forward around the corner and pressed his back against the same wall she was leaning on from opposite side. He was practically holding his breath in anticipation, waiting for her to detransform. Aside from the bleeping earrings and the distant, muffled screams, a single tap dripped away along with his thoughts. Finally, a pink light consumed the room, the sight itself bringing him relief. Something about seeing such an overwhelming, sparkling light contrast with the dark gloomy building he found himself in brought peace in the moment.

She's probably still passed out, he thought, conscious of that fact they were back to back on opposite sides of the thin wall. I'll just have to find the source of this mess without her. 

The boy steadily got up, standing with care as he did not want to make a sound. At once, something grabbed his ankle and pulled him back slightly, and quite weakly. Chat squeezed his eyes shut and whipped his head upwards towards the roof in an instant.

"Don't leave. Don't leave me..." He heard her voice mumble from behind, repeating the phrase softly, over and over. 

Is she sleep talking? Chat Noir considered. That's kinda cute. But he didn't even pay a glance. Keeping his eyes shut he paced backwards and slid down the opposing side of the wall once more. Letting out a wistful sigh, he took her hand into his own and squeezed it tight. He wouldn't break a promise. He wouldn't leave his partner's side. So there he stayed, waiting for his Ladybug to recover. 

The groggy girl shifted uncomfortably. She lifted her head, her whole body and entire being felt heavy. It was as though she was being sucked into the ground, or an unknown weight was crushing her. Then, she became aware enough to realise she was holding something in her hand. Peering over the wall, Marinette saw her partner with his eyes shut, her hand in his own. 

Wait- I'm not transfromed anymore. And my wound-

She frantically slipped her hand from Chat's hand and felt her stomach. It must have healed quickly while she was transformed. It was at times like these she was eternally grateful for her powers. Granted, it still hurt, but it had fixed itself quite well. 

Tattoos ➳ 𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓾𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓼  𝓢𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓮  𝓐𝓤Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang