Sadly Familiar (chapter 18)

Start from the beginning

"I trust you" I replied. Although it was wierd and I wanted to be the first one to see Loni, I knew that if Doc said to let Ty go in then Ty should be the one to go in. I trust both men.

Ty went into the room and closed the door behind him.


Ty's POV:

"Hey" I said.

"Hey" she replied. 

She didn't look at me. She was staring at a certain part of the wall. There was nothing interesting about it. It was just a plain tan-ish-brown wall.

"You okay?" I asked.


"Why did Doc tell me to me come in?"

"Dont know" she replied.

"Loni she's back" I said.

"Who is" she asked.

She still looked at the wall, never looking at back at me.

"Doc didn't want Justice to come in because the old you is back" I replied

"The old me?"

"The emotionless one. You stare at the wall with no emotion. You speak with no emotion. Why would you let the old you come back Loni? It just doesn't make sen-"

"I lost it all again. Im back with no parents and only a sister as family. The person who was supposed to be my mother was just a faking monster" she interrupted

"You have family here Layloni. You have Justice and the gang. You have the Crombins and even though my family doesn't know you very much, you have us to. Yes my mom only met you once but I know that my family is more than happy to help you" I said

"And? I have friends who are like family but isn't it nice to know that someone with your own blood cares for you. I have Torissa that's it" she replied.

Even though she showed no emotion i knew she was upset. Anyone would be. I don't blame her though. If my family turned on me i would be hurt as well. And I agree that friends are nice but blood family is also important.

"I'm sorry" I whispered.

"Its not your fault." She said

She continued to stare at the wall but she stuck her hand out.  We did our handshake and just sat there.

(Video below is the handshake. Only watch them do it once or you will get really bored)

Michael, Jake, Nate, and loni and I made up the handshake together a while ago while Justice was using the bathroom. Now we all do it whenever we see each other.

After about 5 minutes Loni finally spoke up.

"Why did they get arrested if they just got bailed?"

"Your family?" I asked.

She nodded her head yes.

"Well first, they aren't supposed to have the video, second you guys never showed the 8 years worth of videos of your abuse to the police"

She just nodded again then closed her eyes. After about 10 minutes she was asleep.

"I'm so sorry you have to go through this Loni" I whispered  i held her hand for a second then started to walk out.

"If I could have a sister I would choose you to be it" I said then walked out.

Justice was staring at the floor while Jake was on his phone.

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