All That Matters

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(A.N: This is the last chapter, so enjoy!)


Feeling everyone’s eyes land on me, I knew that I had to come clean and to do it fast. Questions filled the air as to who had just crashed the wedding, how I knew him, and why Jack and I weren’t meant to be together. Out of taking time to plan this wedding, the numerous dates Jack and I had been on and all the family dinners I hadn’t connected with him like I had with Alfie. After just one meeting I knew that I had to know Alfie more, I felt as if I had to see Alfie every day, I had to know what he was doing what he was thinking and if there was a future for us. With Jack everything was just so black and white with business talks, wooing my mother and candle lit dinners. But with Alfie it was a all different, things were in color with fighting in the rain, tickle fights, spontaneous break ins and inside jokes. What I felt when I was with Jack was friendship but with Alfie it was true love, friendship and lovers.

Within that very moment I had finally made my mind up, I knew exactly who I needed to be with even though people would be mad, I didn’t care. I didn’t want to live my life full of what if’s or regrets, or whatever my dad felt with Sarah’s mum. I wanted to know that I was with the right guy and for the first time I knew that Jack wasn’t that guy, it was Alfie, it had always been Alfie.

"Who was that Zoe Elizabeth?" barked my mum as I turned to face everyone.
“It was Alfie…” I smirked.
“Who is Alfie?” snarled Jack’s father as he pushed forward.
“He’s the one” I nodded, “Alfie is the one…for me.”
“What in the hell are you talking about?” yelled my mother as she pulled at my hand.
“Alfie has been the one” interrupted Sarah as she pushed through the large crowd, “ever since that first night in Ibiza when the two of you met, I knew that he was the one for you Zoe. Jack has been your boyfriend but Alfie is your husband, isn’t he?”

Nodding, I carelessly pulled at the long veil as yelps, gasps and screams filled the air. Jack wasn’t the guy for me, he had never been the one for me, it was Sarah whom he had chased all these years. After seeing that she wanted Alfie in Ibiza, I slowly started to connect the dots and figure out that she just didn’t want Alfie she wanted Jack and in some weird way I had figured out he wanted her.

"Jack!" I yelled as I raced up the aisle pulling Sarah behind me, "I know this is who you really want."
“It’s okay” I smiled, “you have wanted her all this time, just like I wanted Alfie, it’s just taken me to this very moment to finally see it.”
“Its fine, Sarah, I can finally say its fine.”

Turning to the crowd I could tell that there were a thousand questions wanting to be asked, many coming from my and Jack’s families. Not wanting to tear anyone down or throw anyone under the bus, I could only think of  a couple of sentences to summarize what had and what was about to happen.

"Everyone!" I yelled as all the eyes landed on me, "I am sorry, but there will not be a wedding today. After all this time, Jack and I had finally found our perfect matches and it’s not each other."

Rushing down the aisle, past my parents and out the door I couldn’t wait to finally find Alfie and finally let my whole soul, heart, and body be his.



Feeling my arms being jerked from the police car, I instantly painted on a steel face as I was shoved against the car, steel handcuffs clipped on my wrist.

"Why are you interrupting one of the most important weddings for the year?" barked one of the policemen.
“What’s your name?” questioned a second policeman, “age? Where are you from? What is your relationship with the parties involved?”
“I’m not answering anything” I snapped, “not without a lawyer.”
“Fuck…” laughed one of the policemen, “get the judge on the phone.”

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