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“So how was the party last night?” smirked Sarah as she plopped down on my bed.

       “It was fine” I groaned as I laid back with an ice pack on my forehead.

       “Well, apparently!” she laughed, “you obviously have a hang over.”

       “This was from the after party” I grinned, “after everyone left.”

       “Even Jack?” she asked confused.

       “Yes!” I yelped, “but it wouldn’t have mattered if he was here, he would have just spent the time sucking up to my parents.”

       “Oh, Zoe. You know Jack loves you!” Sarah protested, “he just wants them to like him.”

       “Don’t you think he should be focused on his girlfriend though?” I scoffed, “we haven’t had a proper date in months!”

       ”Just hang in there, Zo” she smiled, “good things come to those who wait.”

       “So, I‘ve heard!” I grinned as I heard my door fling open.

       “Zoe!” barked my mom as she made her way into my room.

       “What is it?” I groaned as I sat up looking at her.

       “Why aren’t you dressed yet?” she huffed, “we have a small brunch with the ladies of parliament! Sarah, I’m surprised your not ready either!”

       “My mother and I won’t be able to make it, she and my father are under the weather today.”

       “Really?” sighed my mom as she threw open my closet door, “that is so sad.”

       “I’m sure they’ll make a full recovery” Sarah sighed as she made a drinking motion to me.

       “I hope they do” smiled my mom as she pulled two bright colored sundresses from my closet. “Now Zoe, go and take a shower, Palo and Jasmine are in my room getting set up for hair and make up.”

       “Okay” I sighed as I threw the covers off of my small frame, “your so lucky, you have alcoholics for parents” I whispered to Sarah.

       “Don’t I know it” laughed Sarah as she looked over my two dress choices.


       Handing my plane ticket to the cute flight attendant I watched as she pointed me to my seat. Sweet summer holiday was finally here, something that I had been looking forward to since the beginning of Uni. Marcus had a seat on the opposite isle of mine, right between two old men. Letting a smile spread across my face I slowly looked out the window and thought back to a year ago. 

       Just twelve months ago I was in a relationship with one of the greatest girls, had two loving parents and seriously thought that nothing could stop me. But reality hit when just two weeks into classes I got an email from my mom saying that she and my dad had simply fell out of love and were getting a divorce. After pleading with her for weeks to just try and work things out with him, until I came home for Christmas she finally spilled the truth. My dad had had an affair with his secretary for the past three years and had finally came clean to my mom when the other woman claimed my dad was the father of her unborn baby. I had never been so sick in my life to know that the man that I had once looked up to was nothing but a fake and a cheater. 

       After that bombshell things between my “perfect” girlfriend and I started to head south. Just weeks before Christmas break she dropped all of her classes and headed back home to move in with her new boyfriend that she had met online. I honestly thought that my life was over, that was until I met my now best friend Marcus. After getting completely shit faced on Christmas Eve at a bar just miles from campus, Marcus had found me passed out in an alley way and helped me back to my dorm. After that Marcus had became one of my best friends and partners in crime. He helped me to rebuild myself confidence and plan a killer summer holiday. I knew that if I ever wanted to get back to the happiness that I had just twelve months I had to forget it all and start new. I had to start living my life with no regrets and the way I wanted. I had to start living it for me and for myself starting with this trip.


       Sitting down at the small decorated table I gave smiles to all of the old ladies that passed. After doing this nearly my whole life I was practically a boss at bs’ing all of these old ladies and their perfect and prim daughters.

       “Isn’t this nice Zoe?” smiled my mom as she and three other women joined me at the table.

       “Perfect, mother” I sighed as I gave them all nods.

       “So, Zoe” giggled one of the older ladies, “your mother tells us that things between you and Jackson Harries is starting to heat up…possibly marriage?”

       “Oh, now” I smirked angrily, “things are going good, but marriage hasn’t been talked about yet.”

       “Zoe, don’t be modest” laughed my mom, “Jack has brought it up many times.”

       “Oh…” I coughed as I felt my face go red, “I must of not been paying attention.” 

       Hearing a collective laugh break from the table I knew that I had broke all attention off of me. Truth was Jack had mention something about getting married, but I didn’t listen when he did. We were both barely eighteen and too young to even be thinking of something like that. But being in the public eye and worth millions, marriage was always on the table.

       Seeing my phone screen light up I quickly grabbed at it as my daily counter popped up.

       “2 Days until HOLIDAY WITH THE GIRLS!”

       “Can’t wait” I sighed as I closed the screen.

       “This tea is lovely, isn’t it?” I proclaimed as I watched all of the women nod in unison. 

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