Passed Out

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Taking a sip of my light beer I could sense eyes on me. 

“Are you having a good time?” questioned Alfie as he crossed his arms.

“Sort of” I smiled shyly as I looked around the crowded club, “I’m not much of a club girl.”

“Me too” sighed Alfie, “I mean…I’m not a club boy”

“I gotcha” I giggled as I took another quick drink, “are you are a dancer?” I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

“Not really” he sighed, “I…”

“Don’t say you can’t dance” I giggled, “everyone can dance.”

“Not me!” he protested, “I have two left feet.”

“Oh really?” I grinned as I looked down to his shoes, “looks like one left and one right.”

“Ha ha” scoffed Alfie, “you’re a real comedian..”

“I try!” I laughed as I brushed off my shoulders.”

“Heres your drink!” smiled Sarah as she pushed her hand in between Alfie and I.

“Thanks” mumbled Alfie as he took the clear cup.

“No problem” giggled Sarah as she gave me a quick wink.

Letting out a fast sigh I instantly looked to Sarah and back to Alfie. Did Sarah really think she had a chance with Alfie? I mean he wasn’t even her type, yet again Sarah was super clingy. Taking a long drink of my beer I watched as Sarah tried her best to make conversation with Alfie. It seemed as if he was just really trying to be nice to her with ever smile and nod. 

“I…I think I am going to head back to the house” I whispered to Sarah as I pulled her next to me.

“Do you need someone to go with you?” she asked a bit concerned.

“Nooo” I smiled as I looked over to Alfie, “I’m just tired…you should stay here with the others.”

“Are you sure?” hummed Sarah, “I mean, I could come with.”

“Nah, stay here” I winked as I finished off my beer.

“Good night, Zo” giggled Sarah as I gave her a quick hug. 

Stumbling out of the club I searched for a parked taxi as the two cups of beer started to glide through my veins.

“TAXI!” I yelped as tunnel vision started to take over my eyes.

“Great, not a one in sight” I slurred as I started to walk randomly down the cracked sidewalk.

I was never really a heavy drink especially of beer. I was always a champagne or wine cooler drinker, beer just had a way of getting me tipsy from the first drink. Continuing down the now dimly lit road I could slowly feel myself start to get lower and lower to the ground until I planted face first into a bunch of bushes.

“GIRL DOWN!” I giggled as I rolled over seeing the clear starlit sky above me.

“Pretty…” I slurred as I felt my eyes close.


“Is this the house?” I questioned Sarah as my eyes ran over Zoe passed out in the back seat of the taxi.

“Yeah, just up this hill and on the left” sighed Sarah as she rolled her eyes, “I knew Zoe shouldn’t have went out tonight.”

“Yeah, but at least we found her before some creepy old man did” I sighed as my glance ran from Zoe to the huge cabin, “this is your house?” I asked confused.

“Its Zoe’s parents.” sighed Sarah as she crossed her arms, “we’re here for a month retreat.”

“Oh” I gasped in awe, it was practically a mansion in the hills of Ibiza, something I totally wasn’t use to being at.

Felling the car come to a stop I watched as Sarah threw the door open, “just charge it to our account, Rae” she groaned as she slammed it.

“Yeah…” I sighed as I pulled Zoe from the car and onto my shoulder, “what she said.”

“Have a good night pal!” laughed the driver as I shut the door and turned to the mansion.

“Come on Alfie, I will show you to Zoe’s room!” screeched Sarah as she pushed open the front door.

Laying Zoe onto the large bed I couldn’t help but watch her as she slept. Her hair laid like a halo just about her small head as her lips turned up with a devilish smile. Who was Zoe? How could a girl that was just going into Uni be this rich and own a huge mansion like this? I couldn’t believe that I was falling head over heels for a total complete stranger, there was just something so attractive about her.

“Creeper much?” giggled Sarah as my glance ran to the door, “want a drink?”

Looking Sarah over I could defiantly tell that she was drunk, a large bottle of champagne clung to her small hand as her tight dress started to slide off her shoulder.

“I’m okay” I sighed, “are you?”

“I am great ALFIE!” she giggled as she took a quick drink of the expensive alcohol, “come here, let me show you something!” she smirked as she waved me over.

Following Sarah down the large hall I watched as she made a quick left into another large bedroom, “this is my room” she slurred as I stepped into the floral printed room.

“Its nice” I smiled as I watched Sarah slam the door behind me.

“You don’t have to be afraid Alfie” she grinned as she grabbed my hand, “I don’t bite…hard” 

“Sarah…” I sighed as I felt her lips push against mine, “Ssssarah” I laughed against her lips, “your obviously drunk…”

“So what!” she hiccupped, “we can still have sex, Alfie.”

“Oh, Sarah” I laughed, “, uh I don’t want to do it, not like this” I smiled.

“Alfie!” she giggled as she kissed my lips again, “you can have me, I don’t care.”

“Sara” I sighed as I took a step back, “I think you should…”

Watching the smile fade from her eyes and the bottle stop I knew exactly what followed.

“Oh, shit!” I yelped as I looked around for a waste basket, “here, hereeee” I gasped as I spotted one near the door, “take this!” 

After hours of helping Sarah with her vomit I soon found myself in the backyard watching the sun start to come over the mountains. I knew that everything that had happened last night would probably be forgotten so I didn’t plan to bring it up to Sarah or Zoe. Yet in a way I was that Zoe was in Sarah’s shoes, I would have loved to be given the chance to kiss her, totally sober of course.


Feeling my head start to ease off I slowly stepped from the shower as I slipped on my bath robe. Last night was all a blur from the two cups of beer to how I got in my bed was jumbled like a puzzle. I did know that clubs and I should not tango ever again on this little get away. 

Making my way through my bedroom and out to the by balcony I almost yelped out as a random guy sat nearly asleep down by the pool. 

“Alfie” I sighed to myself as my mind started to race.

Did he spend the night with me? Did we kiss, make out…have sex? Of course we didn’t do that I mean I would have remembered, right? Feeling my stomach become a ball of nerves I quickly turned to run back in as Charlie stood at my door smiling.

“So was it you or Sarah?’ she asked curiously.

“Not me!” I yelped as I shut the door behind me, “at least I don’t think.”

“You better hope it wasn’t you!” she scoffed, “you have Jack to think about!”

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