The Poet, The Soldier,The King And The Prince

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Once upon a time, there was a poet,a soldier, a king and a prince. The poet was a very studious man. Always having an answer to any situation and at times can be found placing precautions in case of future predicaments. Not to say that he didn't have his faults. He was quite impatient for a poet and his liquor cabinet is a tad bit more attractive than his pen to his eyes.

The soldier was quite the opposite of the poet. With "Violence is not the answer. It is the question and the answer is yes" as his life motto, the soldier usually has to be restrained by the prince or king when his temper flies. Which,(much to the poet's ire,) usually happens when the poet is questioning the land's defenses.

Though he posesses a short temper, the soldier makes up for it with his quick wit and prowness at combat. The poet and soldier may have differing points on certain topics but they're as thick as thieves when it boils down to it.

The king is probably the most patient man in the world. His majesty has been known for his ability to diffuse conflicts between the royal ministers (retards) with nothing more than a raised hand and a subtle look of disapproval. Under his reign, the land prospered, commoners and nobility mingled freely and other rulers find that the land is so charming that they subconsciously try to mimic the peaceful land. But if there's one thing these various leaders can agree on is that they've barely caught a glimpse of the elusive prince.

The prince was a shy but kind man, akways taking time away from his duties to mingle with the townsfolk or to play soccer with the older lads. Sometimes,he would even grace the little lassies' tea parties. (Albeit in a frilly hat and strings of their mothers' pearls to his hostess' insistence) Ladies,gentlemen and non binary friends, may I introduce to you ;Poet, Soldier, King and Prince.

It was a lovely Saturday, the village lads were taking the opportunity to play ball games and the lassies had their dolls out. The mothers and fathers were making calls to friends and the older children tried their luck at Love's Game. While the villagers were milling about merrily, Prince was losing at chess to Poet. "How the (swearword) are you so good at this?" Prince exclaimed as Poet calmly exchanged Prince's king for his rook.

"You owe me 20 gold pieces now King," Soldier held out an upturned paln to the land's ruler. "Why did I even agree to this bet?" King muttered as he placed a small sack into Soldier's palm. "If I may your majesty, it's because you mistakenly thought that Prince would win the game," Poet explained as a servant girl called the four gentlemen away to a meeting.

"I believe we can all agree that Prince does indeed need to take his duties responsibly. No matter the situation however Minister Aidan, you crossed a line when you called Prince names," King diffused yet another heated argument between the ministers while Poet pulled Soldier's hand away from his sword. The latter was practically frothing at the mouth and Prince had to help Poet restrain their raging friend from decapitating one of the royal ministers.

"Now,Prince! Would you like to share with us your plans for this little project of yours?" King called the room to order,succesfully calmimg the raging Soldier in the process. Prince reluctantly tore away from his mates and turned to the ministers who were watching him only to nitpick at his every move.

"I would like to give up my title as Prince your majesty," Prince announced to the room as flabberghasted chatter broke out among the ministers. "SHUT YOUR TRAPS YOU MANGY MUTTS!" Soldier snapped, taking out his ire at that one minister on all the ministers. "...Thank you Soldier. Though the name calling was unnecessary," King nodded at Soldier who was being restrained by ropes courtesy of Poet.

"I have found something I reckon I like much better than ruling. As fond as I am of the land, I would very much prefer this humble task than sitting on the throne," Prince continued,eyeing the bejeweled arm chair. Murmurs once again broke out among the ministers yet only Minister Aidan dared speak out. "And what pray tell, is more fufilling than governing this land?" King,Poet and Soldier shared knowing smiles as Prince opened the grand oak doors of the meeting room. "Raising the next generation of this land."

5 young lads and 1 smol lassie filed into the large room where they took everything in with wide eyed wonder. The lads had dirt smeared on their shirts and trousers and the little lass had grass stains lining the hem of her dress. "I recognise those children! They're just no good trouble makers!" one of the ministers called out earning a well earned glare from Prince (and an uncalled for gesture from Soldier).

"They always stay out late into the night and 'camp out' in the alleyway between the cottages on 8th street!" another voice called out as shame coloured the children's faces. "THEY'RE ORPHANS YOU NITRODS! HAVE YOU NO SHAME?!" Soldier and everyone else turned to Poet in shell-shocked silence. "Either way, they may not make it far in life. Are you sure you want to take them in?"

Royal Minister Aidan's question hung in the air, his nose held high and disgust at the children lining his facial features. "I'd rather them grow up to be honest stablemen and women than scheming politictians Minister Aidan," Prince answered calmly, his voice promising unconditional pride for his children. "In that case, if you're not Prince anymore, what shall we call you?" King continued uninteruppted thanks to the fierce gazes of Poet and Soldier. "Asean. Call me Asean sire," Asean smiled up at UN who nodded at his decision.

"Well then! Anyone else have anything to say to Asean?" Nato clapped his hands with a sarcastic smile. EU scanned the room and no one dared to speak. "Thought so," and all the ministers melted away for with time, life's challenges can be conquered with ease.

A/N: I may have been binge watching too many "Soldier Poet King" animatics

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