Game On

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Britain moved his rook so that it was now blocking his opponent's bishop. "Interesting move could've killed my bishop with your queen but you chose to defend your knight?" England teased his brother as he moved his bishop elsewhere. "My apologies Iggy. I didn't know you were so easily manipulated," Britain replied cooly as his knight took England's bishop.

For a moment, England stared at the chess board in stunned silence. Save for a few sniggers from Scotland, the silence lasted for a full 10 seconds before the English man finally pulled himself together. Switching Britain's pawn for his queen, England tried to get another conversation going. "How're things with the search? Do they realise yet?" Here,even Scorland tensed up as if a nuclear bomb had just been placed in the near silent study. Britain only smiled serenely as another one of his pawns went in for the kill.

"Then you beat the dough like a drunkard!" Wales enthused as she helped France out in the kitchen. "A-A drunkard?" the French woman squeaked out as she held up a cutting board as a shield from her fiery sister in law. "Oh c'mon Mom! It's fun!" New Zealand shared his aunt's excitement as he beat his dough into a pulp. Australia didn't even need to say anything because some of his dough went flying out of the bowl thanks to his raw strength.

"A little bit more gently Aussie, we don't want to make pancakes now do we?" Wales chided, thankful that her pancake obsessed nephew was in the living room with his twin and Uncle North Ireland. "Speaking of which, how many rounds of chess are they planning to play? It's almost suppertime..." France fretted as she worried over the three men in the study above the kitchen. "Oh please! If anything, Scotty will break it up in no time.." the welsh woman's comment pleased her nephews yet did nothing to quell her sister's fears.

"Not yet Iggy. Though I suppose it's best that they don't realise it at all right?" Britain answered his brother while switching out England's rook for his pawn. "You may say that Tea-Bag but who knows what those lads will do when they know that you know," Scotland piped up from the armchair he had claimed for himself. England nodded silently, agreeing with the king of recklessness for once.

  "No worries gentlemen, as long as he knows that I know, no one else will know,"Britain smiled as his pawn captured England's queen. "But...if he knows they know? I mean,they mean obviously mean the world to her" England shifted his king and his position. "Don't worry Iggy," Briatin said as his pawn captured England's king with a grin reminiscent of the Cheshire Cat.

"It's just a game after all."

That night, the moon hid itself among the clouds as if cowering from the humans and countryhumans that walked the earth. In a way, it was right to do so for the games these people play were sick little things and the rules of the games were even sicker. Asean scoffed as the thoughts ran through his head.

The letter by his side had been folded and refolded so many times now that he was convinced he had the few sentences written memorised. Sitting at his desk, Asean's reply came to him as maturally as breathing came to humans. "He wants to play a game eh? Alright Britain, I'll play your little game. We both know the rules so no use dilly dallying is there? It's just a game after all..."

Game On

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