The Last One

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Hey guys! It's ya girl Natasha here and welcome one and all to the last chapter of "We're Back"! This chapter, I'm going to release a couple of facts about the story but before we begin, let's answer questions first shall we? 

From some_random_stuff:

Q: how are the other ASEAN countries related to Britain and France? I know that Brunei was colonized by the British, and Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam were by the french but I imagine different in your story

Laos : That's an awesome question but...

Indonesia: Like all things...

Malaysia: It's complicated.

Brunei: If my memory serves me well, our colonists acted as babysitters and sometimes tutors and taught us how to properly govern if our parents weren't able to do so.

Thailand: Since I'm literally the only one here who never had a "babysitter", I had to learn the ropes by myself which led to....more than a few regrettable actions...

Singapore: In my case, Temasek was my tutor and he taught me all he knew but he fell ill and I had to resume my education under Papa Asean. 

Philippines : Papa taught us all how to look after our lands after we gained independence but he did it in a way that we would've never noticed until someone pointed it out.

Myanmar: Papa's teaching methods were subtle and he would give us hints at what we're supposed to do instead of tell us exactly.

Cambodia: By the time we were eligible for elementary school, we were the top of our classes!

Martial: Back to the question at hand though. Since countries like Britain and France had many colonies, they would usually teach all their colonies at once only occasionally visiting each piece of land personally.

Vietnam: It's kinda hard to explain so just take what Brunei said about babysitters and trust that his memory isn't as faulty as Britain's.

Britain: That's really rude y'know.

Asean: Pardon me Britain but...cry me a river.


Well then.....y'all ready for some truth bombs?

-Welcome Home was supposed to be a stand alone book

- Thailand was supposed to shoot a bullet through Britain's skull

-Del was supposed to sword fight Australia

-NATO was supposed to be Asean's conscience and convince the latter NOT to beat Britain into a pulp

-America was supposed to start dating Phil

-Del and Maldives are a couple :>

-North Korea has a crush on Martial Law 

-Indo and Mal were supposed to push someone(New Zealand) off a plane

- Singa was supposed to shoot France

-Temasek's ghost was supposed to haunt Singa

-Germany was supposed to the one responsible for putting Britain in a coma

-America was supposed to stay blind

-Timor Leste wasn't supposed to be involved at all

-The micronations from Hetalia were supposed to be here

- Siam was supposed to be Thai's conscience

-There was supposed to be a proposal somewhere near the end of this book


Thanks again for sticking with this book everyone! I would've never made it all this way without you. Don't forget to check out my other work "Diablo Lane" which can be found on my profile.  Have an awesome day, don't forget to keep being awesome and have an amazing life!



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