Rules Of The Game

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"Don't think I wouldn't notice. First Del Pilar goes missing for 10 years then he resurfaces only to be hunted down by the FBI. All it took though was a few words from Asean and he's suddenly on a straight path? Come on Israel,how dumb do you think I am? I know you were there at the tavern that night," America's earlier words rang in Israel's ears as the latter approached the willow tree that guarded a mansion of mysteries unsolved. "So where did you hide Del Pilar for all those years Israel? Are you hiding my sister there too?" the words haunted Israel as he placed a hand on the willow tree's bark unable to control the anxiety coursing through his veins. "I know you like to think you're independent and all but really? All I see is a little lapdog, anxious to please his master," more and more words clouded Israel's mind as he sank to his knees,head in his hands, the weight on his shoulders too much to bear. His vision clouded, his breathing raced anf the last thing Israel saw before he blacked out was a pair of countryhumans running towards their friend.

" if we don't get him involved any further....see to it that America doesn't forget what he did to him..." Israel's foggy mind picked up on the voice that sounded so close yet felt so far. Forcing his eyes open just a crack, he was met with blinding lights and a pounding headache. Suddenly a hand covered his face,closing his eyes again. "Go back to sleep Isra. We can talk when you've regained your strength,"a fatherly tone so different from the cold calculating business one Israel had heard a few minutes ago. "... we have to do something Papa.....get the message through his skull..." the bits and pieces of the conversation near him made no sense to Israel and he would have asked about it had fatigue not cloaked his mind like a blanket cloaks a baby.

"Philippines,see to it that Israel is taken care of once he's woken up and had something to eat. Del, I need you and Martial to prepare a room since it's getting late. Myan,could you and Thai head over to the store for a while? Singa,Bru and I will be heading out for a little chat with Britain," Vietnam listened to her father as she helped Singa with the buttons of her coat. Mal and Indo were helping Laos and Cambodia collect some of Israel's things from his house since it was becoming more and more evident that Israel would be staying the night. "All done Lion Cub, now go have fun!" Vietnam teased her sister with a little peck on her forehead. Saving his girlfriend from Vietnam's teasing, Brunei took Singa's arm and the pair followed Asean out the door and to the driveway where the previously silent Prius roared to life as it hit the road. Wait a minute...who's going to make dinner? Vietnam realised as she watched Myanmar walk out the door with a shopping list in hand and the only person other than Asean who could cook.

Placing the tray of food on the nightstand, Philippines carefully peeled the cold cloth off of Israel's forehead. Dunking the cotton into a small bowl of cold water already present, Philippines remembered how Israel's body had been burning up when he and Indo had found him unconscious by the willow tree. The pair was just watching the horizon, watching the clouds ease by when they had caught sight of their friend. At first they thought he had just been running so they thought nothing of it and took their time walking out to the porch to greet him. It was only when Israel had sunk to his knees that Phil and Indo had both realised something was off. Being the faster runner, Indo sprinted ahead while Phil called for help ober his shoulder. By the time Phil had reached Indo and Israel, the latter had already fainted, his head having been gently laid onto Indo's lap.

"No need to fret Asean. As you've seen in the document, America is oblivious to the game we play. The only other person who knows about her besides myself would be Australia as you can tell from his signature here..." Singa and Brunei both tried to listen in on the discussion that was happening on the other side of the maple doors of Britain's study. Fortunately(sort of), Britain and Australia were the only ones in the house when they visited since France and the others were out visiting Russia and Ukraine. New Zealand had decided to tag along because "Why not?" and because he needed some good old fashioned blackmail desperately.

"You guys are pathetic, whatever happened to manners?" Australia questioned the two eavesdropping countryhumans. "Let's be honest with ourselves Aussie. Manners left the game a long time ago," Brunei smiled,his eyes glowing like a cat's in the dimly lit hallway. "Uh huh. And what says the country known for being next to Nada in terms of mannerism?" Australia resisted taking a step back and instead turmed to Singapore. With a low chuckle, Singapore took one single step towards Aussie and leaned in so that her lips grazed his cheek. "I may be a lawyer Aussie but that doesn't mean I'm not a hypocrite,"she smiled as she pulled away,new terms having been added to the rules of the game. "I hope you know how to use a gun dear brother."

A/N Hi guys! Thanks for reading this chapter of "We're Back"! I just want to let you know that I won't be updating for two weeks because of exams. I'll most likely be back on 2nd of March so stay tuned for that!

Hope you understand and a bajillion apologies!


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