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The dark skies certainly reflected the mood in the air that day. Every year on the 3rd Friday of May, the countries of Asean would visit the Lycoris Graveyard to honour the dead and the memories they shared during their time among the living. It was also a time of mourning and healing for there are some wounds that take longer to heal. "Remember guys, meet back here when you're ready. Take your time okay? I'll be right here if you need me," Asean stayed behind with the cars as he saw his wards to the gates. Murmurs of understanding rippled through the group as the 13 nations gradually drifted from their guardian's side. 

This was the first time Del had seen his parents' graves since he was 10 but he had never forgotten the words carved into the stone markers 20 years ago. "Here lies Katipunan, a noble warrior and one of the best fighters out there," Del ran his fingers over the inscription on his father's gravestone as he gently laid a bouquet of sampaguitas on at the foot of the stone.

Silently receiving the other bouquet from Martial, Del went over to the next grave where the words "Here lies Perla, a queen in her own right and our best friend," Del blinked away the tears as he laid the sampaguitas down and returned to his brothers' sides. The three of them stood there silently, not saying anything, looking down upon the graves of the two people who did their best to give the world to their three sons. "Kumusta Papa. Kumusta Mama. I'm sorry I didn't visit sooner..." 

Elsewhere, Indonesia was scattering flower petals onto the graves of Majapahit empire  and Agragris. All the while whispering a small prayer for them as memories of his time with them flashed through his mind. When he was younger, he used to climb into his parents' bed whenever there was storm and Majapahit would cuddle him like how a child would cuddle a stuffed toy in their sleep.

The night before the fire broke out, Indo remembered running around the palace with Agragris and Timor Leste, the three of them clad in rainbow stockings Majapahit had learnt to make for them the previous Ramadan. "Hey Indo, you okay?" the sound of his boyfriend's voice shocked Indonesia back to reality. "Neth? What the heck are you doing here? I'm grateful and all but-"Netherlands cut Indonesia off with a small peck on his cheek. "I'm right here when you need me Indo."

Malaysia,Brunei and Singapore both stood together at the foot of Malaya's grave in silence. "Is it weird that I don't really remember who my mother is? I mean they divorced when I was really really  small.." Malaysia's question shattered the silence like glass. Squeezing his shaking shoulders, Singa tried her best to find the words to say but there were moments where the English language and it's large vocabulary simply weren't enough.

"Y'know what Mal? I guess that's something we have in common," Brunei gently led his friend's gaze to the one next to Malaya's. Bruneian Empire's grave right next to Malaya's seemed like a twist of fate, the two having been friends when they were rich in health and all the treasures that cannot be held. Now more than 20 years later, their sons stand before them arm in arm, fast friends like their fathers once were.

"Sawadee ka Dad, how are you? I hope I'm not disappointing you by what I'm doing..." Thailand whispered to the picture of Siam as he replaced the tiny red flag with an elephant painted on it with a replica. "Lately I've been wondering if I deserve to call myself your son at all..." he continued, placing a basket of fruit onto the small table where his father smiled out at him through a golden frame. "I-I've done a lot of things while you've been gone Dad and...I'm not sure if you still think of me as your son now so..." Thailand fell to his knees so that he was eye level with his father in the picture.

Tears began to wrack his body, his one true fear shaking him to the core. Recognising the footsteps that approached him, Thai didn't push Singa way when she wrapped her arms around him from behind and neither did he flinch when Brunei rubbed his arm in a circular motion. "P-please don't hate me Dad...please.."

It may have seemed like The Republic of Vietnam and Viet Cong may have hated each other to the bitter end but Vietnam would be the first to tell you that the two actually loved each other to bits. The brother and sister duo may have had their fair share of fights but when Viet Cong had borne her daughter Vietnam, the Republic of Vietnam wasted no time in tearing up the roads to check on his sister.

"Xin chao mẹ, xin chao Chú. I'm back and I brought your favourite flowers this time Mother. I couldn't find any of your  favourite flowers Uncle but I'll try again when the next blooming season rolls around. My florist friend has been telling me how..." serenely, Vietnam continued to chat with her family uninterrupted and for a moment, it was as though there was life in the graveyard.

The Khmer Empire was over the moon when he held his daughter in his arms for the fist time. When he first laid eyes on his feisty child he had seen not a princess but a leader and a warrior. It was in the middle of the maternity ward then did the Khmer Empire decide (without his wife's consent)  that his daughter would lead his kingdom to victory should fate allow it.

Of course, as time went on and it became clear that fate had another plan in mind for Cambodia, the Khmer Empire picked up his baby girl and whispered the words that she would never forget, "You know what Cammie? I don't care who you choose to be. Just promise that you'll always be my kid," and decades later, Cambodia reflected on those words with a smile and patted the top of the gravestone. "I'll always be your kid Dad, no matter who I am. I'll always be your kid."

Burma was Myanmar's older brother. They both shared their father's eyes and their mother's smile, their father's habit of staying up  at night and their mother's love for all creatures big and small. (Except cockroaches.) When both their parents had left to join the stars, Burma and Myanmar both learnt very quickly that a world without your parents wasn't a very nice one.

However, Burma did his best to care for Myanmar and for that she was grateful. Had her brother decided to give up on her, she wouldn't be where she was today. She wouldn't have met Asean or any of her friends. So with a heart filled with a sibling's love and gratitude, Myanmar turned her head to the heavens and murmured, "Thanks Big Bro. Keep waiting okay? I'll be home soon."

Lan Xang was supposed to take his niece on an outing the day after he joined the stars. Laos still remembered vividly when one of the village boys told her the news. Still remembered how her world came crashing down, how the village she loved no longer seemed like the village she knew.For Laos, the mourning period seemed to stretch on for forever until she found the letter from her late uncle telling her to find Asean.

 "Stay strong Dok champa, we'll be together again soon so please be patient until then. I love you," the last two sentences of the letter had reignited the flame in young Laos' heart and it only grew brighter and brighter when she had reached the safe haven her uncle had sent her to. Now, Laos placed a hand on Lan Xang's gravestone with a grateful smile and a loving gaze. "Thank you Uncle. We'll be together again soon. I love you."

The sun was already touching the horizon when the Asean family finally found themselves back home. Asean shrugged off his coat and shuffled into his bathroom to wash off and calm his thoughts. While his wards had been paying their respects by placing bouquets of their national flowers on the graves, Asean had his own way of remembering his friends who had left for the stars.

Under his collared shirt, the names of all his dead friends and relatives were tattooed onto his back thanks to Nato and his skills as a tattoo artist. The ink Nato had used was permanent and waterproof just as Asean had requested. There wasn't any design to it since the tattoo's sole purpose was to serve as a list of all the good people who had left the earth for the heavens. Even though Asean's back had burned for hours after Nato had finished working his magic, having the memory of his loved ones burned into his mind was more than enough. After all...

"Life doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints"                             -Wait For It                                                   (written by Lin Manuel Miranda)

Hi guys! Hope you guys are doing well wherever you are! Recently, I've only been using Wattpad to update my stories instead of interacting with you guys and for that, I'd like to apologise. From now on,  I'll try my best to drop a quick hello every once in a while! See ya then!

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