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Asean turned the document in his hand over thoughtfully. Surely the game had gone on for long enough? He had nearly lost his morals when he made that deal with Britain and now he sees why. Shaking his head in disappointment, Asean chided himself for not considering the consequences of his actions. He had let his emotions override his logic and now he was in a tangled mess that would take a miracle to unravel.

Running a hand through his hair anxiously, Asean stole a glance at the clock on the wall. He had long ago given up on sleep but to be awake at 1 in the morning? He was getting too old for this kind of thing. "Papa? Are you still awake?" Del's worried tone brought Asean back to reality. "Yes Del, normally,I'd advise you to return to sleep but I'd rather not be a hypocrite first thing in the morning,"Asean's paternity outshone the circles under his eyes but did little to hide them from Del Pilar.

Asean looked at his son who now stood before him. The young man had come a long way from the boy who hid from his brothers in shame of his misdeeds. Eyes which used to be filled with guilt and shame now shone with clarity and confidence. Fragile yes, but confident nevertheless. "The station called me down for work and I wanted to check up on you before I left," Del offered when he noticed Asean's eyes roving his uniform.

Standing from his seat at the desk, Asean allowed himself a small moment of pride as he straightened Del's collar and righted a few badges. "Be careful alright? Don't forget to fix yourself breakfast before you leave and if anything happens,call don't text,don't go into hiding and absolutely no ghosting your brothers,"Asean reminded his eldest as he took the hat off the younger man's head and dusted it off. Smiling amiably, Del left Asean in better spirits and a more positive mindset without him even realising it.

Of course! I've always put the children first and I don't see why I shouldn't now. This game is of no use to me and I should be focusing on something more productive than this, Asean thought to himself as he pulled himself away from his desk and ambled towards his bedroom which was ajoined to the study. Why on earth didn't I think of this before now? I really ought to set my priorities straight. Asean continued chiding himself as he pulled back the covers and slipped into bed. Taking a glance at the picture framed on his beside table, Asean picked it up and traced the happy faces that stared back at him. The faces of his children.

His family.

Not China's,not America's and most certainly not Britain's. The children he had raised and cared for were his family. Not theirs. Engraving that final thought into his mind, Asean finally caved in to sleep.

Elsewhere, Australia greeted the dawn with some self reflection of his own. For the past few months, he and his brothers had been searching high and low for their missing sister and yet...did they really have a right to? It's been approximately 14 years since then and like what Singapore said,in those 14 (going on 15) years new memories had been made for both parties involved.

Having spoken to UN earlier in the year, Australia remembered what the older man had said when Australia asked for his opinion on the matter. "I could tell you who she is but should I?" at the time, Australia had just stared at his superior dumbfoundedly while UN chuckled at his own wordplay. Now though, Australia finally understood what had amused UN all those months ago.

"Dad! I've got it! I finally understand! The game you're playing is the wrong game entirely!" Australia burst through the doors to Britain's study,all manners instilled in him long gone. "We're supposed to let her go! That's the objective of the game!"Australia cried out further when he had Britain's full undivided attention. He went on to explain that the missing child (probably) had a reason to stay away from them and that whatever the reason was,as her family they should respect it.

"Well thought out Aussie, I'm proud of you but why now? What changed?" Britain asked his excited child when the latter had stopped for breath. As far as Britain knew, Australia was the most enthusiastic about the search for his sister and now he was backing out? This is certainly a twist in events... with that last thought, Britain pulled up a new tab on his computer with the intention of sending an email pertaining the matter to Asean. He had barely logged into his account when a bullet found its way into the back of his head.

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