Night Changes

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Of course, everything has changed, it's been five years. Teuta and Alec have been keeping up with their duties. Queen Tetra has been to town more than Teuta had been. Anna and Alec began to study together and Teuta had been training with the guards. Jac has been around more so he helps Teuta with her studies as well. Today was the twin's first summer fling ball for families and friends and a special family came to visit.


(Shouts) Christopher! Bucky! (Runs to them)


(Shouts and runs to her) Teua, Teua, Teua. (Hugs Teuta)


(Walks up to Teuta and Christopher) Hi Teua, where's Alec at? (Glances around)


(Smiles) He's in the ballroom practicing his waltz for the ball tonight.


(Rolls eyes) Anywho, guess what Teua. (Teuta nods) I'm going to be a knight. The most fearsome knight at that.


(Interrupts) And I'm going to be the next king. (Grabs brother) We shall rule together.


(Sympathetic) Has your mark come yet?


(Optimistic) I'm only 15 so I'm sure that one day it will come. But in the meantime, I'm happy for you two. (Christopher smiles)


(Walks over to them) Ah, are those my favorite cousins?


(Excited) Alec how I've missed you and your wonderful kingdom. (Pulls to the side and walks) I heard about Teua, how is she handling it?


(Looks back at Teuta and Christopher then back at Bucky) Better than I expected, she believes it's fate but I still see the five-year-old in her. (Worried) Every night she looks for answers on why she doesn't have a mark.


(Sighs) She puts on such a strong face but I know she's hurting. If there is anything and I mean anything we can do just ask.


(Smiles) Thanks, Buck, right now don't make a big fuss over it. You know like we used to.


(Laughs) Well, we were evil five-year-olds. I'm surprised she still likes us. I would hate us if I were her.


(Laughs) As would I. Can I expect to see you later at the ball?


Wouldn't miss it for the world. (Smiles at Teuta and Christopher who are walking over) Are you two excited for tonight?


(Smirks) Always excited for a good dress and dance. (All laugh)

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